I have kind of been sitting on the fence about this, as I have 7 months, 18 days until report, but I guess I'll throw two cents in...
I don't disagree that OCS, ROTC, and Academy graduates should be (for all intents and purposes) on the same general level...but not by resorting to a regression and easing of standards in one of the areas, but, as naswings stated, by raising the standards of the Academy and ROTC. So personally, even as I stand poised to enter OCS relatively soon, I'm a staunch believer in the old way...I was always raised to believe, and have chosen, through experience, to believe, that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and the right way, regardless of how difficult (relatively or otherwise) it may be. And if I can't cut it, better to find out then and there, where so much less is at stake, than when I'm out at a command with people's lives or livelihoods at risk.
In short, I disagree with the "dumbing-down" of OCS. At best, it evens the playing field. At least, it will probably now saddle OCS grads with the same "social stigma" associated with Acad and ROTC grads (i.e., lazy, half-committal rich kids, or worse)...and here I was kind of looking forward to not having to hear a bunch of bullshit about how I got in "the easy way."
At worst, it's going to get people killed.
I suppose it doesn't much matter, though, as regardless of how we commission, be it ROTC, OCS, or Academy, we're all called Ensign. As with anything, it depends solely on the individual.