You are looking at from too small a point of view. They are probably not looking at just aviation, but across the Navy. OCS pumps out more than just aviators, and even other communities occasionally attrite people. They are picking out the 'low-hanging' fruit first. If they need any more, the Navy will figure it out. Trying to read the tea leaves as an Ensign in flight school is like tilting at windmills.
You are looking at from too small a point of view. They are probably not looking at just aviation, but across the Navy. OCS pumps out more than just aviators, and even other communities occasionally attrite people. They are picking out the 'low-hanging' fruit first. If they need any more, the Navy will figure it out. Trying to read the tea leaves as an Ensign in flight school is like tilting at windmills.
Well the commodore discussed this new policy with us (to include the fact that it was beyond the realm of aviation) at length.
Obviously OCS is low-hanging fruit and the most cost-effective way to rid the Navy of officers without incurring too much cost. The point that OCS puts out a comparatively low number of officers still stands, and (allegedly) is not going to be sufficient in slimming down the JO pool by 100-200 (or whatever the magical number is).
Ah, the key word. I'll let NAVPERS and big Navy worry about that part, not the flight school rumor mill.
Plus this doesn't apply to me, since I'm not getting attrited or NPQed, and I'm BDCP anyway.![]()
Ditto. I responded to a recent applicant's question with this response as well. The commodore briefed those of us who went to OCS waiting to class up as well. For the time being, you DOR/attrite/NPQ, you will MOST likely go home, UNLESS you can manage to redes to NFO (if you're SNA).
The redesignation is going to be case by case and will happen before you go before a board to separate. This is also only going to be for SNA related issues (NPQ for SNA but not SNFO, or just CAN'T land a plane to go solo or something).
If the NFO route is not an option (attrite for lack of effort or grades/academics etc) then prepare to separate. Going to be an honorable/admin separation AFAIK.
My question is this...
I've been reading on here and on that they have almost doubled the amount of SNA's and SNFO's coming through the pipeline for this next year. Why do this if they are so overmanned in the JO area? Wouldn't it be a waste of money to just dump a bunch through the pipeline and just kick them out here and there for failing certain things rather than picking quality people up front?
That is such crap. On the one hand, if they budgeted/planned for you to be in aviation and you can't hack it, go away. That's all well and good. But you signed the contract, and we have manning shortages throughout the Navy/MC. Take a dropout and send him on an IA that you tapped a fleet/FRS guy for. You know, guys who have proven that they can hack it. Seriously, if you suck at API/flying, have fun on your MTT/BTT.
They are.
Obviously not enough. If they are kicking people out and still tapping fleet guys for IAs, there is a discrepancy somewhere.
Obviously not enough. If they are kicking people out and still tapping fleet guys for IAs, there is a discrepancy somewhere.