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OCS - March 23, 2002

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60 bubba
man, the running doesn't sound that bad. after being sick for a week i ran a 9:04 for my initial test for the recruiter. but the push ups and sit ups sound pretty rough. i believe i had 78 push ups and 80+ sit ups. but i was spent after that.
i don't know if i'm in as good a shape now honestly, but i think you gave me some good goals. thanks a ton.

Thomas B

Registered User
thanks for the info. them are some good goals to try and reach before we start OCS.
I just ran the Mile and half with an 11:24 but I am far from being where it sounds like I need to be. As far as the push-ups and sit-ups I have no clue!
Damn sounds like I will be getting all the fun when we start OCS! Great! Anyonelse care to join me?


Fly Navy!!

Paul Burke

Registered User
I'm in the same boat Thomas. My run sucks. The only thing I am stron in is the swim and the pushups. 3 months exactly to quit procrastinating! :)

Thomas B

Registered User
Man I am going to get clobbered when I get down there. I have only 5 weeks! maybe by March 23 I will be close to what they want! I was going to order that Fitness guide you told me about but I decided to wait and just run and stuff since I have little time to jump into a serious program.



60 bubba
wel boys, i can tell you this...
i am definately going to miss my afternoon naps after work. i guess life is full of sacrifices :) have a good day all and God bless.


Registered User
whats up guys. just got back from business trip in Chicago and I am worn out! Back to training now for a week and then to Vegas for 4 days. After Vegas, pure training and moving all my crap to storage. about the situps, I have a hard time with them also, and the swimming. that mile swim in API makes me nervous. I hope i can do it by some miracle. I am doing around 70 situps right now.

hope everyone had a great week!

Matt L.

Scott H

Registered User
Whats up everyone. I just graduated school, swore in on Jan 17th, and can't wait to join you guys on March 23rd! What's up PAP, how did you like the ERAU Arizona Campus? Daytona treated me well, and I am proud and excited to be headed for Naval Aviation! Truly a dream. Well sounds like everyone's getting in, or staying in shape. I am doing the same. I called P-cola today to verify class #21-02, it's a go yet may be subject to change. Anybody looking at new cars? I've been hunting down a new SS, and trying to find decent financing. Not too much luck. Matt, where did you go in Chi-town? Rush and Division or what? Vegas sounds Bad ASSSS. Oh-anybody find that "navy type blanket?"


Scott C. Hendrickson


Registered User

I went up there for business, so didn't have a lot of time to do much else. I work for Cigna HealthCare right now. I went to a lot of meetings inthe AON building and the John Hancock building and stayed in the Cigna Building the rest of the time, so that's about it. We went to some club called Excalibur and a bunch of restaurants all on company's expense, so pretty fun, hehe. As for the Navy type blanket, I got mine online on a website called Coleman's for $14. Off to work.......

Matt L.

Thomas B

Registered User
What up fellas? Man we are almost there! I have so much stuff planed between now and the 23rd that my workout routine as almost deminished. Man I geuss I have to go order that blanket before it gets to late, thanks for the addy. I was just trying to figure out where I could get one of them.

Have any of you guys got an idea on what hotel that everyone is staying at the night before? Well talk at yall later!


Fly Navy!!

I watched TopGun the other day and that movie still rocks! hahaha

Scott H

Registered User
Hey guys what's up? Just got back from running the 1.5 in the cold, had a blast let me tell ya! My run is just under the "out PRT" but it's the sit ups which seem to be the toughest. I'm at about 75 sit ups with 84 push ups. I got the blanket ordered from that web address, thanks Matt. That thing does not look comfortable at all. O well beats fixing the bed every time. Pap did you ever get that e-mail from KyleP? If so let me know, sounds like he might be making our lives real fun for that first week. Luke, How in the heck are you running a 9:04, thats awesome. Thats a 6:02 mile and bookin',not bad. Anyway, what pipeline are guys wanting to get? All I can think about is Jets, and how much fun and hard work it's going to be on the way there! I got some gouge from a friend named Rod (Doc Borgie) who's finishing BI's in the T-2C at Meridian right now. He told me that there was a memorandum posted that stated if you got a 56 NSS and wanted jets, you were guaranteed them. Sounds good eh, I guess there seems to be a new rumor every other day on this subject. I heard one about what's called "spread the wealth"! That means equal distribution of talent throughout the different communities, Jets, Props, and Helo's(god help me). Anybody else hear anything on this? Turns out to be a load of crap though, I e-mailed these guys, one T-2C pilot and another flying Prowlers, they both said that was not the case. Anyway I can't wait to get going, it's going to be unbelievably awesome.

Scott C. Hendrickson


Registered User
Thomas, yeah, that movies kicks ass as cheesy as it might be. I always love the part where he is riding the motorcycle down the road by the runway and then raises his arm to the jet and speeds up.....extra cheese with that?? LOL No problem for the address guys. There is only one bad thing....I've heard it is not even good to take the blanket with you now because they will take it away from you. I don't know why it is even on the lists I've seen if they are going to do that. Anyway, I've had mine a couple weeks and threw it in the washer today twice and then dried it. It gets to smelling and feeling a little better if you do that.

As for what I fly, my main preference is fixed wing. I honestly don't care if I get jets or not, just planes is my only preference. I don't really care for helicoptors, but would fly those as well if i didn't get my choice of some kind of plane. I'm not sure about which hotel in P-cola. I'll look on Hotels.com tomorrow and see if i can't find us a good deal around there. I still have to pack everything in my apartment, so I know what you mean about finding time to work out in the next couple of weeks. I just got back from running and swimming at the Y. Damn, swimming kicks my ass and I am not that good at it. I hope I get better! My last day at work will be the 15th, so in the meantime I have to go to work all day, pack at night, memorize all the gouge, and find a storage house to move my things to. I really hope i can get the Navy to eventually reimburse me for the cost, or part of the cost for storing my things. Take care all........


Matt L.


Registered User
Thomas B, you graduate on March 2, how does that work? I have to wait until May 18! Does your college have semesters or trimesters?

GM2(SW) Hosehead


60 bubba
hey guys...
you all keep talking about this 'navy-type blanket', whats that all about. there seems to be some indecision about whether or not to bring them and the benifits. anyway, i'm a big freakin slacker. mondays i seem to do alright and run and work out, then comes the rest of the week :( well, my guess is that will soon be rectified.
scott, as for running the 9.04, i'd have to say it was a little training and a little luck. i have a brother who is a state cross country runner who ran with me and helped me keep pace, on the other hand i was sick that entire week. so i'm hoping the combo averages its self out.
so what do you guys do? me, i'm a substitute teacher right now! i love it, talk about a change in lifestyle though. i'm more or less a free lance babysitter that gets to have a captive audience for my soap box ramblings. man, going from that to the military life will be a shocker, but i'm ready. happy monday everyone.
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