SWOdog & iluv, how can you recount my glorious OCS moments without giving me due credit? I need to have those copyrighted; "all rights reserved."
There's a certain 08-04 alum I know who still does his best impression of "Earth sir" when I see him. It graces the back of one of my class t-shirts.
And giving two DI's a sex education lesson in 4th week was fun. That's the trouble when you're a nuke. You know too much for your own good, including *way* too much about where babies come from.
Of course my personal favorite was probably at dining out, when I did a kamikaze run into the "skipper." Even got Lt. Stubbings to laugh at that one: on graduation day he paid me a high compliment by saying that I might be a nuke, but that I was a nuke with a sense of humor.