I can see me breaking my leg and calling up my wife to let her know I wont be seeing her for another 9 or so months.
There are a couple of us here now that are in that exact position. Nobody has broken a limb here in quite some time I believe but many get stress fractures or pulled muscles. I'm on the 8 month plan right now because of an injury. I plan on healing up and continuing on with the program as do 95% of the other medical injuries that occur at OCS.
They are going to tell you to report any medical conditions that may arise. Some say if you can push through then push through. Some will say report any and all medical conditions. I say listen to your body as you know your body better than anybody else. I tried to push through the pain with what I assumed, and was diagnosed, was a pulled groin. That pulled groing caused me to roll out of my original class. I classed up a week later with the class following mine and after an afternoon or RPT I knew something wasn't right with my hip/leg so I went in. Come to find out I had/have 2 stress fractures in my pelvis and had I continued on I could have caused serious damage and ruined any future I may have had in the Navy had those stress fractures expanded and turned into full breaks!
Don't get discouraged if you get injured and roll out of your class. People keep asking me if I am going to stay when I tell them I have a minimum 4 month healing process and I tell them that I have put way too much time, money, and effort to leave Newport without my Ensign Bars! If I have to spend a year here in order to full recover then so be it but I am not leaving until I get dressed in my choker whites and see those bars on my shoulders.