Any tips on how to improve my bros package? Other than scoring higher on the ASTB.
Hey man, I know this i late response but I saw that you were an HM and wanted to throw my two cents in. (I was an HM and got selected last year)
First off, if this is truely what you want to do, dont ever think about throwing it away, strive, and you'll get it. I've learned that if you keep asking, the Navy eventually gets tired of hearing it, and will just give you what you want.
As far as the package goes, there are always ways to improve it. Some things are hard to fix, like GPA's. So you just have to make up for it by killing the ASTB. (I know its easier said than done, just study your ass off. The next thing I'd perfect is the motivational statement. I myself, suck at writting. so I came up with a rough draft and took it to a buddy who is a journalism major (who does not suck at writting) and together we came out with a kick ass statement. (all im saying is have someone good with words look it over. Then there are the interviews. I interviewed with something like 10 deffernt O's, then selected the best ones and sent them in. If the ones you have are just ok, then do more until you get what you want. Same thing with LOC's. I had everyone from my former CO's to Willy Irish Driscoll write my LOC's, then I sent in the ones I liked the best.
Anyway, dont let one non-select kill your dream. Tweak the package and reapply. Hope this helps.