Just a little advice, if you put your boss on as a reference for your NASIS, I would not go out with burning bridges in mind. The security clearance process happens after you get the Pro-Rec. And for pay, that won't happen for atleast 2 months after your get Pro-Rec'd. I was selected on September 15th, found out the week afterwards, submitted medical forms and everything for final docs at the end of September, got word today that my Security clearance started on October 6th, and is still not completed... this is normal. So probably the soonest I am going to get paid is the 1st of November, but I am not going to expect anything until December 1st.
I am with you though, the moment I get word that I am a Final Selectee, I am going to give my two weeks, stop stressing, and focus on school and PT. And probably a beer or two with a nice steak dinner that night.
Relax, watching the clock only makes it go slower... enjoy the wait, time flys when you are busy.