I was told Good Low in the stupid questions thread a few months back.
And its my understanding that you have to breach the value to get those points ie your curl ups are good medium. There is no interpolation of points for the PRT.
I can support what nugget said, once you break the barrier it doesn't matter if you're one over or one less from the next level. This is important when considering the run, there is about a 30 second jump between levels at some points so if your tracking your time you can see if it's worth sprinting at the end or not.
How's everyone else's progress going? I had an eye consultation after I was done with MEPS and everything went very well, just waiting for the waiver and a final select. My B-Day is 03DEC so that would be a nice present.
As far as physical training, I have some tips if you want them. I tested at 72 pushups, 78 situps, and a 10:09 run about 1.5 months ago. It was my personal goal to reach an outstanding-high on the PRT before starting OCS, not because I thought it would make it easy, just it would be something to keep me focused. Since my original test, I've maxed pushups, have the situps up to 100, and have my run down to 9:00 with 8:30 being the max for my age group.
This site is really great for building up pushups and situps. Go on google and search for "one hundred pushups". It's a 6 week pushup plan that you can follow that will supposedly get you to the point that will allow you to do 100 pushups in one minute. I started on week 4 and completed it to week 6 and I've had serious gains in the amount of pushups I've been able to do. I also applied the same program, but instead of pushups, I'm doing it with situps. It's tough for situps but it works well. As far as runs, I've had some big gains in time by running about 2 miles, with a 1 minute sprint every 2 minutes.
Just some food for though, if you got any tips feel free to share'm.