Hello all,
My wife just signed me up so I figured I should go ahead and post a thing or two.
I got a call on Friday with the news that I was Pro Rec SNA. First time applying.
I actually started looking into the Air Force in June. I got everything filled out, took the test and was waiting on my recruiter ... actually I'm still waiting on my recruiter to move things forward. Instead of remaining in limbo, I got in touch with the Navy in September. We decided we would shoot for the Oct 09 board and rushed to get things done. We did and so far, so good.
My stats:
26, Male
ASTB: 5/6/5 49 (went in cold turkey cause we were trying to get it done quick)
GPA: 3.0 BA Humanities
GPA: 3.5 AAS Aviation Tech
LORS: Major Army Reserves, 757 Captain US Airways, Former Mentor/Professor.
No prior service
No police record
No medical history
250 hours total flight time (fixed wing). Commercial, MEL/SEL Instrument Rating.
Strong community serice record: Boy Scout, Eagle Scout, Order of the Arrow and current BSA advisor. 2 year service mission in France (Church related service). Religious Seminary Instructor for High School students. I'm also scuba certified.
Pretty much been in euphoria since Friday. My wife keeps asking me, "Are you sure he said pilot?"
Congrats to everyone else who got selected!