My choices were Supply and SWO, and like many of you I have been rolled from the September to October because of the new fisc year.
Spoke with my OR several weeks ago and was told I would "probably be hearing back from the boards later this month. Spoke with him today on whether the boards met for both/any of the programs that I selected, he told me that many programs were not viewed by this board for instance SWO and will be rolled to the next board in November where I will be definitely hearing something back. He also said that I should be hearing something back about Supply.
I am taking all this with a grain of salt, being that I was "informed" that I would be seen for the September boards and then being rolled to the October boards, and now being potentially rolled to the November boards. I am only 22 so I am not worried about age but for others who are teetering the age limit I wonder if this is becoming a problem.
Also please tell me someone has some optimistic news from their OR regarding the boards.