Well, they aren't lying. I've got a pro-rec Y for 13900 on BOL!! Now to wait for the Intel results to post...
Well, they aren't lying. I've got a pro-rec Y for 13900 on BOL!! Now to wait for the Intel results to post...
same board13900 and 13700 are SNA and SNFO respectively, so I'm guessing it is the pilot board. Do active duty boards happen seperately than civilian board?
Also, I called my recruiter and she told me that civilians will have to wait for BUPERS to send the information back to the NRD-HQs, who then send the information back to the recruiters themselves. We're going to have to wait a little longer
So they had the board already?
I have been waiting for months to apply on October 1st due to my NRD not accepting applications and now it looks like the board has already happened?
Similar to other members here I am also close to aging out and this is absolutely devastating if true.
So we went from October-ish to November-ish, and now its September-ish. The roller coaster ride never ends.
Also, I called my recruiter and she told me that civilians will have to wait for BUPERS to send the information back to the NRD-HQs, who then send the information back to the recruiters themselves. We're going to have to wait a little longer.
Congrats to everyone who made it, and good luck to everyone who have yet to hear anything back.
Yeah, my recruiter said it could be weeks or a month after the board is held before they get results. But hopefully since Active is apparently getting notified it won't be too long for civilians and priors.