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Officer Program Preferences



I'd like to again draw upon the enormous amount of collective knowledge on this site to complete my application for commission.

My absolute first choice is to go SNA. From my limited knowlege I am competetive too. Go to this thread if curious about my stats: http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=133205&highlight=december+board

I wonder if it is "undiplomatic" or if it will look bad to only list a first preference, leaving my second and third choices blank? Or, if I place NFO as a second choice, out of diplomacy, and am actually selected for NFO but then turn it down, will a successful re-application for SNA be less likely? Does this even make sense? I hope it does . . .

Finally, although this is primarily a naval aviation community, can you tell me please which of the nuclear-related officer programs carries the most clout/prestige or is the most difficult?

Thanks, JR


Internet killed the television star
If you only put SNA down and nothing else, unless there is a requirement for more than one choice, I doubt they'll take it as undiplomatic. Instead, if you didn't get SNA then it'd essentially be free game for the happy detailer to put you wherever he wants to. So, work you a*s off for SNA, but take a long look at other jobs you'd be interested in if it did in fact turn out you don't get your first choice.


Registered User
If you only put SNA down and nothing else, unless there is a requirement for more than one choice, I doubt they'll take it as undiplomatic. Instead, if you didn't get SNA then it'd essentially be free game for the happy detailer to put you wherever he wants to. So, work you a*s off for SNA, but take a long look at other jobs you'd be interested in if it did in fact turn out you don't get your first choice.

I think he's BDCP/OCS which means he won't be put into anything he doesn't put down...right?


Yes, I am applying for OCS. Once again, if for diplomacy's sake, I put 2nd and 3rd choices, and am selected for one of them, and turn them down, will it be bad for following re-applications?


STA 21 Nuclear OC
This could be the ignorance talking, but I think it would be worse to ask for alternatives and then not take them than it would be to not ask for the alternatives at all.
However, doing it that way, you're basically telling them you won't serve your country unless you can do it flying. I don't know if they ever consider that.


I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low
When I applied I only put down Pilot and NFO. I won't claim to know how the boards think, but here's a few things to keep in mind.

If you apply, you cannot be selected for something you do not put down. If you don't want to or aren't sure about a particular designator, don't put it down. That's why it's asking your preferences. There is no shame in leaving a spot empty. I'd rather have officers that truly want to be where they are than a person that hates their job trying to lead other people.

If you are turned down, you generally will have a 6 month wait before applying to THAT DESIGNATOR. So if you get turned down Pilot and NFO at one board, you could still apply to additional designators much sooner.

If you apply multiple times, your previous applications (and their results) will be disclosed to the board. If you were turned down, unless it was for something major (e.g. a felony conviction) it probably won't be counted against you. However, if you were accepted, and failed to follow through (either let a deadline lapse, had second thoughts about accepting a designator you put down as a choice, etc) the selection board may have their own second thoughts on how reliable a choice you will be.

Bottom line is, it takes time and energy to process applications. If you are going to put down a choice, make sure it's something you have no hesitation of doing. Don't waste a billet that other people would be ecstatic to have because you didn't want to leave an empty space on your application.


Registered User
I agree with the general consensus, I only applied for SWO(N) and it didn’t seem to hurt my chances. I think it would be much worse if you get selected for a community you don’t want and reject, or even worse, accept a job you won’t be happy in.


The bottom line is that I don't think that anyone on this board knows for sure what the answer to your question. No offense meant if someone knows conclusively of course...it just seems like something that the average Joe wouldn't know unless he was involved in selection somehow.

Ask your OSO would be my advice.


Registered User
I would HIGHLY recommend that you only put down jobs that you want. I have even heard that if you refuse a spot, say for example NFO, then you will not be considered for reapplication. There are some threads on here about that.

Personally, I went SNA or bust. My recruiter tried to get me to put down other choices but I politely declined. It was the best thing I could have ever done. Ive talked to several people who put down SNA and SNFO and were REALLY qualified and didnt get SNA....they agreed with me that I probably just did the best thing by putting all my chips in one pile. If I had gotten shot down, I could always do things to make a better application and reapply.

It comes down to whether or not you would be happy going in as a SNFO or any other designator for that matter. If you DONT WANT IT DONT PUT IT DOWN!!!


Registered User
Every situation is different... However, I applied the first time under the impression that you had to put down 3 choices. I put SNA, NFO and Intel. Got picked up for NFO. Thought about it for a few weeks and decided I wanted to roll the dice and reapply for SNA. I did send in an extra letter explaining the situation on the next app. Got picked up for SNA on the second go around.
Who really knows how the boards work. The best advice is to only put down what you'll really be happy doing. You're doing nobody a service by settling for something you won't like.


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
This could be the ignorance talking, but I think it would be worse to ask for alternatives and then not take them than it would be to not ask for the alternatives at all.
However, doing it that way, you're basically telling them you won't serve your country unless you can do it flying. I don't know if they ever consider that.

What did you put down?


professional undergraduate
I understand your question to be should you put down a designator for only diplomacy's sake? Absolutely not! If you would enjoy being an NFO and could see yourself doing that, even if you would rather be a pilot, than do it, otherwise...don't! The way it was explained to me was if you put down more than one choice and are selected for your second or third choice, if you turn those down, and want to reapply for your first choice again, its not a huge deal, but really if you're going to reapply for your first choice, why put down the other two. If you can live with your second or third choices, jump on them if offered to you! If you get selected for your first choice, turn it down then reapply for it later, THAT is really the biggest problem and will take some explaining.

So bottom line. Apply for ONLY what you could see yourself doing. If your second choice is NFO and you get selected for it. Either take it or reapply for SNA ONLY. THe boards don't want to see any reapplication for something you were selected for.

Best of luck.


New VR FTS select
I did what you did

I only put down Pilot option. I was selected. So I don't think that it will look poorly on you. You are basically telling them. That is all that you want.:icon_smil Stick to your guns. It took me 3 years to get selected. But I am in college now, and loving it.


I have to agree with the previous posts. Only put down an option if you truly want to do it and would be happy with it as a career. I applied for pilot first and NFO second, and wound up having second thoughts about putting down NFO, at least for my first round of applications. I knew pilot was my number one choice by a huge margin and I would have taken NFO if it was my only option, but only if I was sure I would never be selected for SNA. The point of all this is only put down what you really want. It would suck to get picked up for your place filler community and spend your time in the Navy unhappy and unproductive.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
1. Putting down only one choice does not either increase or decrease a chance for selection for that one choice.

2. The board will not just skip over your first choice and select you for a second or third choice just because the Navy happens to need them at the time. Every request an applicant makes is dealt with independently of the others.

3. Only make a request for a job you will be happy doing. If you would rather wait for a reapplication then take your second or third choice then only put one down. If you simply want to be a naval officer and have the job guaranteed or ship out asap, or get on the BDCP payroll asap, then put down other choices and take them if offered.

4. If you turn down your second or third choice and reapply for your first choice you had better be able to articulate why you had the board waste time looking at you for the other options when you were not serious about them.