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Oh ****! Fell off my motorcycle yesterday

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Colegrove Aviation Media
I was riding my Yamaha 250 in a field at my uncles house when I struck a huge rock. I was nearly bucked off the top but managed to hang on by the handle bars - thus opening the throttle wide open with my stomach laying on the seat where my ass should have been. I managed to regain control of the bike and slow it down as fast as possible, however, I decided it was time to part with it as I was still approaching some tall brush and trees too quickly for my liking. I lowsided, hit my feet and rolled.
Only injury is a sprained ankle, and 20 hours later I still cannot walk on it. Hopefully I'll be back on my feet in a few days and continue training as I am set to leave for 2nd incriment on 10 July
I certainly hope everything is healed by then!!


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
You have a chance to do something that some would do anything for and you're riding a motorcycle in a field...good luck with that. Glad to see you're not a moron and that your priorities are straight.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
Chaffe from the wheat and that sort of thing...oh yeah, glad to hear you're okay, Kneivel.


Simba Barracuda.
**** happens, sorry to hear it.
"...recover faster."

see you in Quantico, buddy. i'd take damn good care of that ankle for the next two weeks.

f*ckin' huge rocks. who put those things everywhere, anyway...

Fezz CB

Rest-Ice-Compress-Elevate.....I sprained both ankles in one semester. I hate volleyball forever as a result :D


Getting some since 1775
Fezz CB said:
I hate volleyball forever as a result :D
BLASPHEMY!! I love volleyball. a) its fun to play b) it fun to watch all the hot chix play
I was playing volleyball at school, and this chick was like, "do you mind if i take off my shirt" lets just say i wasn't playing as well when her clothes were on :icon_smil


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
how do you sprain your ankle if you're wearing motocross boots?

oh, you weren't wearing proper gear? tough.

/gear nazi


Getting some since 1775
you guys are mean c'mon give him a break. well maybe not I say lay it on him thick, cuz if his SIs find out why he's broke they will rip into him. Sorry better get used to it Kneivel


I LOVE IT !!! ... when guys I fly with ride motorcycles .... it only heightens the excitement when they are senior to me. :)


Definitely take care of that ankle!! Injuries have a way of coming back and haunting you. Both my ankle and knee (same leg unfortunately) took a downturn when I most needed them to be the strongest - training for a marathon.

Best of luck with your recovery. :icon_mi_1



Colegrove Aviation Media
Yes, I do ride motorcycles. Maybe if you got out on a nice 250 mx bike you'd see why. I wasnt being careless, quite contrary. I was wearing full protective gear including boots. Even if I had done it running or getting ready for OCS, a sprained ankle is a sprained ankle, regardless of how it happened. I'd bet by 10 July I'll be ready to go and crankin out 300's on PFT's again. If not it will only be a matter or time.
See ya down there.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
Quick story. 1997 at Norwich University a PLC Jr's contractee twists his knee while running and gets rolled into the combined course for the next summer. OSO said that he was allowed to roll because it was a training injury and he got a rec to roll. 2002 my fraternity brother is a Jr's contractee and sprains his ankle (badly) while skateboarding. He loses the slot. No prob with you moto-xing but if you're serious about the career you should avoid anything that can keep you from it. That is not to say be a wimp and don't do the stuff you love forever, but you're not in yet. All you have is a piece of paper and if you blow it while thrillseeking don't expect any leeway or sympathy from Uncle Sam. Just be smart(er). and remember the kids who would kill to be in your position right now.


Colegrove Aviation Media
Kind of Ironic for any of us seeking a career in the military to even mention anything about natural selection (Darwins theory of evolution), as we invariably stand a much greater chance of being naturally deselected than the majority of the population.

As for being out riding, I was selling the bike to a friend and was giving him a capability demonstration on the bike (a 43 horse motor on a 220 pound bike is quite a ride). **** happened, nothing I could do about it. The bike is fine and he is picking it up from me tomorrow.
Oh well gotta have your fun somehow, get busy livin or get busy dying.

later dudes
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