How dare you suggest that I am not good enough for your navy and that I should join a lesser service.:icon_rage
Just for the record, I never suggested you're not good enough for OUR Navy. Also, I disagree with your characterization of the Air Force as a "lesser service".
I posted the Air Force link as a joke because the USAF does things a little more "brainy" than the Navy, and your original and 2nd post definitely qualify as brainy. In the future I will post miles upon miles of smiley faces to illustrate this. No harm, no foul, just a little dorky.
Lastly, there is a line between good-natured interservice ribbing, and you disparaging our AF brothers as a "lesser service". I disagree completely with your comment, and believe you could choose your words better.
EDIT by Airgreg: larbear's profile did not reflect his status as an SNA, so I turned down the flames a little. for reference.
P.S. Air Force Pilots iron their flight suits and wear scarves.:icon_tong