What timeline is your wife worried about? Generally you can execute a move for your family well after you've already executed your orders (unless its different for your very first set). You can only get DLA, travel pay, etc... once per fiscal year, but you won't be leaving primary until after next October so I wouldn't worry about that. If there is some reason why you guys can't move her out right away and you're worried about missing your chance, you can probably relax a bit. I PCS'ed from my commissioning source, so my orders to API are a little different than yours, but (due to an upside down house we couldn't get rid of) my wife and kid had to stay out of state for 7 months before joining me about 1/2 through primary. We did a DITY (PPM) move and executed the move on my original orders. There were no problems at all, and we were paid as expected. Since you are married and already know you are headed to Whiting, you could just look for housing in the Milton area to begin with and save yourself a future headache. Of course, your other option for housing is to do what I did and live for free in the barracks as a Geo-Bachelor until your family gets there and worry about housing then. The benefit to being a Geo-B is that your housing in FL will be free and you can use your BAH to support your wife back home.