To be honest, it took 3 different trips to NOLA before I actually decided that I like last night on the way to Corpus we stopped in. Had an awesome time, and for all the bad press Bourbon st gets, it was worth the trip. Check out Frenchman st.....its kind of at the far end of Bourbon (runs perpendicular) and it is kind of where more of the locals hang out. Its not as off the walls as Bourbon, and you can get good beer like Rogue, etc. Speaking of locals some girl last night told me that gator meat tastes like coon.....I have never met anyone who would make that comparison. K-pauls is good stuff, but real spendy for a new ENS who probably hasn't saved up a whole lot of pay checks yet

If you like Cajun food, there aren't too many bad choices in the french quarter. The best part IMHO about the quarter (or just NOLA in general) is that you can walk around w/ an open container/drink so you are able to bounce between clubs w/o having to give up your drink. Basically if you are going back to your hotel
before 5 AM, you are doing it wrong.
Definitely check out San Antonio....we had a blast there on the trip out to P'cola the 1st time. Riverwalk is awesome, and there are lots of nice southern girls to fall on. Dick's has damn good crab legs, although I'm guessing most of the restaurants down there probably do good food as well. If you like live music, you can normally catch some there.
Houston is always good....its a bit more of a club oriented city than most others that I have been to (esp in TX), but its a great place to party. We're here tonight, so I'll have more updates later (its been about 3-4 years since I've been out in Houston)
I've heard lots of good stuff about Austin, but I have yet to go there as it is kind of off the 10, so a bit out of the way.
Not sure exactly how your route goes, but another fun place we went was Phoenix....I wouldn't have guessed but it was a nice place. El Paso was ok, but not really anything to write home about. Vegas might not be convenient for you, but of course thats always a good least if you have a lot of $$$ to blow.
Have fun man....I'd love to make that trip again