LOL....let me be more specific then: when applied to "warfighters" or citizens (after 9/11 seems like Heroes were everywhere...and not the sandwiches)
I would also gladly accept any ground time that I might be able to get in.
Words I can live without:
What about sea warrior? There is a shit-ton of swocabulary like that which I are a little swoverated.
What about sea warrior? There is a shit-ton of swocabulary like that which I are a little swoverated.
You, like the original target of thread, would be wise to hold your tongue instead of criticizing any MOS, regardless of their score on a "warfighter" scale.
I think that term came about with that dipshit Alex Haig who was a political hack and unfortunately wore a uniform and never faced a flying bullet his entire freakin life.
I think that term came about with that dipshit Alex Haig who was a political hack and unfortunately wore a uniform and never faced a flying bullet his entire freakin life. Warfighter to me smacks of liberal terms to make it sound "tough" or Butch as they like to say.
I still feel anyone who goes in harms way is a warrior. Warfighter sounds to me, and always has, like a pentagon planner. It don't make a shit if you are on the ground eye to eye with the enemy, or hitting his ass from FL 200. The risk factor is different but dead is dead, and crippled is crippled. Why play with words like Obummer does?
Semper Fi
I don't know about you guys, but I'm supporting and defending---one a-pool inspection at a time.
And John Kerry won how many silver stars????????? And purple hearts????