Gotta love how the media just cant let go of the past BTW.
Gotta love how the media just cant let go of the past BTW.
Gotta love how the media just cant let go of the past BTW.
Finally! OEF is a far better test for the MV-22's briefed capabilities than Iraq. However, I'll bet my pay check that the Osperey never sees a tactical troop infil/exfil and is restricted to flying from hard stand to hard stand.
Finally! OEF is a far better test for the MV-22's briefed capabilities than Iraq. However, I'll bet my pay check that the Osperey never sees a tactical troop infil/exfil and is restricted to flying from hard stand to hard stand.
This shit never dies. When the F-111 was retired, the articles still talked about the 'Vark's "troubled history" and "many pilot losses". It had some serious teething issues at first, yes, but the sumbitch then served very successfully for 20+ years and is still flying in Oz. Controversy just makes everything so much more interesting, I suppose.
I'll be the first to say I don't like it. But I also have a very strong love affair with the Phrog.Whats terrible is how people with familiarity with Aviation still dont see through the BS. I cant even begin to imagine how many times Ive heard somebody the flies be it civil or military comment on how the Osprey is a Death Machine.
I'll be the first to say I don't like it. But I also have a very strong love affair with the Phrog.
It is the evoultion and the future of rotorcraft. I do think that the USMC did some things wrong with transition/adopting. But I'm just a company grade so my opinion smells like everyone else's. However, I think that if you had transitioned the Phrog to a mix of Ospreys/some unnamed medium lift asset larger than the 4 bladed Huey (think 3 squadrons of V-22s, 3 squadrons of CH-X in New River), then we could truly be a flexible/tailored ACE.
Trying to say that it's replacing the Phrog is inaccurate. It's not, and it never will.