Well-Known Member
I was thinking more along the lines of how we currently flex by adding more Shitters or taking more Cobras, because of what we expect the mission to be. Kind of a "hey, we think we're headed to the stan - let's build the ACE around an HMH, and get dets from VMM, HMM, and HMLA" or "don't really see anything on the horizon, let's go with a VMM and get HMM, HMH, and HMLA dets." If we ended up going somewhere that Ospreys/Shitters can't go (I'm thinking if we did another NEO in Liberia, where Shitters aren't allowed to land at the embassy LZ - so after standing under you guys at Lejeune, I would expect you wouldn't be able to either) then you've either got to move everyone via surface to somewhere they can land (which may be a security nightmare) or the Huey/SAR det guys are going to be REAL busy...Changing the mix of the medium lift is not the right answer. We got this aircraft with the presumption that we'd be able to move a substantial portion of the MAGTF long distances. Once you water that proposition down, the value of having a particular long range asset goes down drastically. If putting a company downrange by itself is a little light, then putting a platoon out deep is practically useless. Unless you're moving specops types, it's useless, and that's not our business.
Plus, adding another TMS to the mix complicates everything. We need fewer models on the deck, not more.
Although I agree more T/M/S's may not be the answer - there's just a lot of gaps that I think Big Green never really thought of, and just dropped in the fleet's lap to figure out. Assuming that we would be doing an organic insert - WHY do we need to insert a billion miles away? Outside of Afghanistan and the NEO in Somalia, we really don't do that. More moving pieces, because now you have to figure timelines to get FARPs set up, move skids close enough, or just say fuck it - there's no need for RW CAS. And now that you're moving FARPs in place, you're pretty much unzipping your fly before the Company gets there.