I've definately tried to keep an open mind about the whole tilt-rotor debate, and I really think that the Osprey is an awesome bird.
My only misgiving about the Osprey comes from something that phrogdriver said. He made a good point about going "from a pinto to a ferrari." That's pretty accurate, because the V-22 definately kicks a$$. The only thing is, and phrogdriver and the other Marines out there can back me up on this, is that as notoriously poor and underfunded as the Corps is, did we really need to buy a bunch of "ferraris", when there are several new, reliable, competent "fords" out there. (i.e. there are some pretty damn capable medium lift helos out there nowadays, at about a third of the price, that could have taken over the mission, with just a small sacrifice in speed).
Also, being completely honest, for every Marine helo pilot that I've seen lauding the V-22, i've seen one crapping on it as well.
By no means am I bashing the Osprey, just making a few points. After all, none of this discussion really means much now. We've got it, and like anything else, we'll make it work.