Haha, I'm all over Western Washington. Grew up in Tacoma, moved to Seattle, then moved to Everett, then 4 great years in San Diego, then crap got a job in Washington that pays well. Back to everett, commute to Renton. Where did my plan go wrong?? Didn't marry the rich girl from Socal. Oh how I miss PB, Gaslamp, USD catholic girls where the school ratio is 80%female20%male, SDSU where all the ****s gather, Sungod festival(UCSD tradition of going everyone going to school drunk), Oceans11 where it was never easier to win at poker against the marines that dropped by.
F'ing Washington...
A4sForever said:
I just re-read your post ... my hat's off to your Dad. Hope he's doing well ...
Growing up in my family where almost every adult currently in the states, has served during the Vietnam War, and our family villages being in Quang Nam, and almost all of them stationed in Quang Ngai and the other states in the Central Highlands, u hear the grizzly tales of war. Then u hear the comments of losing a war when they all get together and get drunk, does make u feel like u don't have what it takes. Compounded with the fact that most of these guys just grew up to be simple rice farmers and me, my siblings, and cousins growing up in the states had the "sheltered" life. Makes u feel kinda lucky, also motivates u more to be able to protect a country rather than wait and feel what it's like to lose one. <-- Haha, funny thing is i'm a democrat and all my friends are pretty much liberal wonder why the hell I would want to risk my life in the military.
**sorry for all the threadjacking