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Over There


gregsivers said:
Some of FX's shows are pretty good, The Shield anyone?

Second that. "The Shield" and "Rescue Me" are the only two shows on TV I actually make an effort to try and watch. Maybe "Over There" will be the third.


" "Over There" fits with FX dramas ..... they were all set in contemporary America and they were all about contemporary American issues and reality." But they are also art. Over There finally has to be judged as art, or at least entertainment."

War as "art"(?) ... "entertainment"(?) .... I rest my case.


Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
A4sForever said:
War as "art"(?) ... "entertainment"(?) .... I rest my case.
Yeah that sentence stuck out to me too.

And Fly he only used "arc", what, 3 times? He used "the" way more! ;)


Demons are cute when they sleep!
I just watched the first episode with my husband. While I can't tell you anything from the military perspective on how realistic it was, the emotional, realtionship parts of it I got. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it.

Does anyone feel like maybe this subject is a little too raw to be making a tv show out of? From a civilian's perspective I feel it was well done, but I wonder if it's too soon. What do you guys think?


The Chief doesn't like cheeky humor...at all
If somebody totally forgot about this show and instead spent his wednesday night drinking beer, does anybody know when it will be replayeD?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go ahead and skip watching this new show for a little bit... Not because I'm not intrigued, but since I'm already in Iraq I don't think I need much more of it! Just kidding, what does everyone think?


Rhino Pilot Wife
Like JenMarie said, I cannot speak about the realism of the show, but the characters and relationships I can. Who else didn't love the way it started?! :D I absolutely love Bo Rider! He is my favorite character. The show did touch me during a few scenes and I definitely cried at the end. I liked it and will definitely watch the next episode. I am going to give it the benefit of the doubt and wait to judge it until I have seen more episodes.


Working Plan B
I started watching it half way throug, in the middle of that fire fight... I only had to see one thing to make me hope it failed. When the guy shot the insurgent with a grenade launcher and it hit his chest and exploded the upper half of his body, I instantly thought of Robocop or some worthless Sci-Fi channel flick. Does that ever happen in rea life? If it does, I'll eat my sandals. It was enough to turn me off from the entire thing.

Granted, I only saw the second half of the episode, so I can't speak as to characters, but something about the way it was filmed bothered me. Can't say exactly though.


I saw it last night and thought that the first episode just played the stereotypical view of a military unit...

You have the eager New guy from the south, who spends the first half of the episode asking people how they got their nicknames, you got the Family Man, the Token black guy (two in this case, the agressive disillusioned type and the one who's just doing his job). Then for leadership you got the NCO who's always pissed off and the Lt who he keeps clashing with.
The addition of female characters presents a new dynamic to it but it really didn't do much in this first episode.
Not really all that impressed, but I'll give the next episode a shot...


My $20 Worth ..... Rates 4.5

I could care less about most TV shows ... but I watched this because of the hype and because I am interested in the subject matter ..... my $20 worth:

The show gets a 4.5 out of 10 ...... below average . The military tactics were B.S. and the action was pure Hollywood.

The ending was so typical of that clique of post-Vietnam war Hollywood producers and luminaries such as Bochco (who was of prime military age during Vietnam, but did not "serve") --- the ending sequence with the helo flying into the sunset with music was pure Apocalypse/Platoon/you pick-a-number of Vietnam analogies .... change it to the jungle and dub in "Peace Train" and nothing's changed with these guys in the past 30 years.

One more watch, if I'm in front of a TV with nothing better to do --- if no improvement --- then I'm outta' here .....

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
phrogpilot73 said:
I'm going to go ahead and skip watching this new show for a little bit... Not because I'm not intrigued, but since I'm already in Iraq I don't think I need much more of it! Just kidding, what does everyone think?

I thought it was mostly crap. I felt like I was watching a bad anti-Vietnam movie. The race card was played pretty badly. The militant ghetto black guy is determined to "fight against the man", the "man" being the white man. He talks like a thug and acts like a thug. You have the Cornell college educated guy who is horrified at the horrors of war and contemplates our monster behavior and such. Bo, the southern character, was the most likeable. There are two women, one of them seems to be a man-hater. The sargeant is the stereotypical screamer. The action was pretty bad. The assaults and combat action were not realistic. They all like to stay together like a happy grenade target, some of them shoot without aiming at all, and my favorite was the full frontal assault into heavy machine gun fire made at a position when they had adequete cover to kill the bad guys from. It got better near the end, the dialog tightened up a little, but they violated Land Mine 101... stay on the damn road.

I'll give it one more chance next week, but I expect to be dissapointed again. It is pure hollywood. Watch Black Hawk Down or Band of Brothers for your realistic combat movies.


Registered User
I concur with FLY.....It could have been a lot more anti-war and they half attempted to play to both sides of the political arena but kept it just left of center (IMHO). In the end it still stinks more of hollywood than real life. Might watch it just for the Scream at the T.V. factor and nothing else to do in this town.

I wonder how many combat vets they use for expert options?


beau said:
I wonder how many combat vets they use for expert options?

If they had ANY, they were probably "Bruckheimered" by the show's producers....