varies by det site. obviously you'll be flying less during home cycle unless you're in that surge window. But to give you an idea... You have to make PPC by 24 months. And you need a minimum of 700 total pilot time. Take into consideration you have about 220 or so hours by the time you leave the FRS. That means you need 480 hours from the day you check into the squadron until 24 months later. That averages to 20 hours a month you'll need in order to qualify on time. Most people don't have a problem with qualifying. Something to consider is timing of arrival at a squadron. If you check in right before they leave on deployment you'll be pretty much guaranteed 2 deployments. If you check in right after they get back from deployment you'll be more or less guaranteed 1 deployment. It's these people in the second group that struggle to qualify by 24 months. They have waivers available provided it's just an hours issue.