I will say this about "Flash", intelligent, reasoned, articulate- obviously an NFO.
Awww....I'm blushing :icon_smil.
Also a little light on the ability to read.
Not blushing anymore :icon_conf .
While Flash's comments about TacAir ring true, the Forum would seem to suggest that the SNA is headed for VP or VQ and the TacAir route has been foreclosed. TacAir references, while true, are inapplicable to this Forum.
Okay, so maybe I drop a few references to Tacair, but I thought you opened the door to it with this.
From a pilots perspective, there isn't much manuevering and there never is the rush of running down on the deck, switching open bombay doors, and sending ordnance on the target.
Dropping ordnance on target is certainly done by P-3's, but not that common. Maybe I read too much into it.
The Maritime Recon & Attack moniker is borrowed from the RAF. How very English of them.
Since when did we start flying Nimrods? And when did we start wearing light blue?
Assuming Flash is the intelligent, reasoned, and articulate person I presume, he must have overlooked that the 'maritime' applies to both the recon and attack missions, e.g., maritime recon and maritime attack.
Wow, I get an English lesson as well as reading about Naval Aviation. Your right I misread it, but I was not the only one to do that...
and Flash, I did chuckle at "Maritime Reconnaisance and Attack mission", if only, if only...from Zab
Obvious to the articulate English speaker there is no inference whatsoever to the 'strike' mission, the purview of TacAir, of which Navy TacAir is actually the world's best.
The Navy does not use articulate English. Attack and strike in the US Navy are synonymous, that is where I was coming from. Why do we have VFA (Fighter/Attack)? It is a strike mission, why call it attack? Why don't we change VP to VPA? Your splitting hairs where the Navy does not. To put Attack anywhere in the VP title is not usually done and when they do, they do not get a lot of respect from other communities.
Flash is most assuredly wrong about DH selection rates. VP has already contracted, the surplus DH's are about gone and DH ratios and selection rates have returned to be on par with VQ - VQ Flash, not VAQ. VQ is not expanding. VAQ is expanding. Don't confuse the two.
Unfortunately, I am not wrong. I do not mean to scare the new guys, it will be largely worked out by the time they have to worry about it. The reality right now is not pretty for VP. VQ is maintaining its number of aircraft and people, there are so few to begin with. There are actually a small number of EP-3's being made right now. This is while P-3's are going from 220 to 150 right now. And VAQ is not expanding anymore. VAQ actually lost one of its 14 squadrons this year, I know because I was in it. And there have not been any Prowlers built in about 13 years. As for the official numbers for DH, don't trust me, here is a link to the BUPERS website and a brief under the title of DEPARTMENT HEAD SCREEN BOARD BRIEF:
As for my own interest in this issue, I used to be a VQ guy and I still keep in touch with a lot of buddies from the community. As far as I know the only VQ (former) guy in this board. When I see stuff like this on the board...
The P-3 Community is larger with more squadrons than EP-3. If you're interested in a career in naval aviation, you should consider flying a platform in a numerically larger community. A larger community means more flying slots, more department head jobs, more squadrons to command...I have to counterpoint it. It is not entirely accurate and I just want to make sure that the guy who asked the question in the first place gets all the info possible, from all sides. As I said before, you have roughly the same chance to make squadron command in both communities, it is beyond that the VP guys have the advantage. Anyways, size doesn't matter too much.....right? Just ask guys in HM, VRC, HC and VQ. The guys there have less of a chance of making Admiral (go VFA if you want the best chance at that) but they have just as much fun, even without dropping ordnance.
As for me, I don't mind a little back and forth......Can you?