In addition, you aren't getting the whole story about the communities, gauranteed.
That's DEFINITELY true. Obviously, I can't speak for communities other than VP however...
As much as it is in vogue to bash P-3 guys (and trust me, I make the jokes with the best of them)...I've found that the picture I had portrayed for me in Primary just really isn't what I've seen so far. The bottom line is that we aren't all bitter and angry. There are some great people, staff and student alike here. Yes, we probably care a little more about systems knowledge than the average 'hook pilot, but consider what we are flying. The quality and attitude difference, generally, between P-3 bubbas in Primary, and their counterparts here is amazing. In fact, two of the absolutely best instructors I've come across period, Navy or civilian, pilot or otherwise, are here at VP-30.
Bottom line? When I heard I got P-3's out of Primary, I was
miserable because I didn't want to fly for four years with "that guy". Come to find out, "that guy" is something that "those guys" choose to become. As with anything, attitude is everything. I would still love a crack at going to the boat, but this
IS NOT a bad place to be...and they had alot of convincing to do with me.
Based on my extensive Primary experience (in lovely Milton, FL): The jet guys seem to legitimately love their jobs. Unlike the P-3 or helo types, jet guys like what they're doing and aren't filling out applications for Southwest. Jet guys talk about their fleet a/c and time at sea with relish, in contrast to most others who can only seem to say "at least I banked an a$$load of per diem" or "getting s#itfaced in XXX port was awesome".
1. Plenty of P-3 and helo types love their job. If it seems like there aren't any, its because you've found a bunch of bitter instructors.
2. Filling out an application for SW, doesn't mean you don't like your Bunk made evident...there are other reasons to make that choice.
scoober78 will now back away from the Kool-aid!