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Palin in Pcola


Milk and Honey
Easy, dude. Heroism should be admired and respected, but it is not a free pass from criticism. You should use the actual facts of what he said to defend him, not his status as a Medal of Honor recipient.

Col Day is an outstanding American who has done remarkable things, but he is still a human being and does not need your worship.

ok ok I was a little worked up. I have just seen some of this recently, personally so it hit close. Apologize.


You need only look at Smedley Butler to recognize that heroism in war is not a political credential.

I am frankly unimpressed with how conservatives hold up the military like we are infallible, and try to point to purported (MilitaryTimes Poll) evidence that the military is pro-McCain as evidence that he is a better candidate.

Frankly, my opinion is worth no more than your average civilian.


Frankly, my opinion is worth no more than your average civilian.
Partially true. Your opinion is, on balance, going to be about significantly more informed on many issues. However, the inverse can be true as well.

Any given citizen that works directly in a field of national importance will have a similar boost in knowledge about the field of their vocation. It's the people with basically useless professions that possess opinions worth no more than your average citizen.