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Passenger leaves sexist note for female Westjet captain


Well-Known Member
If the line about Proverbs had been left out of this story, it still would have been a story. Be careful not to shift focus off the misogyny in an attempt to defend innocent, uninvolved believers who are completely irrelevant to this story. As for this being a media war—this smells more like a public uprising toward people who demean others by insulting them or attacking their rights. If the media picks up on these stories, it's because they're relevant to their audiences (i.e., a society that has grown very sensitive to discrimination).

I'd agree with most of your assessment. But I'm not trying to shift focus. I'm simply taking a stab at answering the question I quoted (Why is this a national news story?). I still don't think this would be a national news story if the Proverbs reference were left out - probably made it just juicy enough to air. I'd wager that there are a great deal of issues like this occuring daily in the US (discrimination against women, etc), yet they don't rise to national news worthiness until it can be related to a religion. Or, perhaps it's simply because this is discrimination against a very "successful" woman. But as a disclaimer, I'm no abc news reporter, and I don't work with FCC study proposals, so I really don't know why they choose the stories they run.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
...relevant story a bit juicier. ...
Relevant (for US national news) in what way? The airline is Canadian. The flight was from Calgary to Victoria. There was no threat to security. The occurrence isn't common or is this sort of thing trending up, in either country. As an aside, the Captain's facebook response was excellent.

"To @David in 12E on my flight #463 from Calgary to Victoria today. It was my pleasure flying you safely to your destination. Thank you for the note you discreetly left me on your seat. You made sure to ask the flight attendants before we left if I had enough hours to be the Captain so safety is important to you, too. I have heard many comments from people throughout my 17 year career as a pilot. Most of them positive. Your note is, without a doubt, the funniest. It was a joke, right? RIGHT?? I thought, not. You were more than welcome to deplane when you heard I was a 'fair lady.' You have that right. Funny, we all, us humans, have the same rights in this great free country of ours. Now, back to my most important role, being a mother."


I'm okay with the events unfolding currently
Relevant (for US national news) in what way? The airline is Canadian. The flight was from Calgary to Victoria. There was no threat to security. The occurrence isn't common or is this sort of thing trending up, in either country. As an aside, the Captain's facebook response was excellent.

Relevant for U.S. national news (as far as profit-driven media publishers are concerned) because it's a dose of misogyny in the middle of Western civilization, and readers over here are all about hating on that. This story might have gotten play even if it occurred on a different continent.

And yes, her response was a good one :)