tmort said:
do you guys like being navy pilots?
Naval aviation is strictly 100% voluntary so if we didn't "
like being navy pilots," none of us would continue doing it. If you ask the right questions (properly), you will get great advice and if you decide to heed that advice, it will serve you well in the future. For example, zab's post may seem petty regarding grammar and punctuation but, although you are on an internet forum, it's not full of your high school (or younger) peers, so a little professionalism goes a long way and will probably alleviate some attitude that may be in some of the replies.
Like Fly said, try hard and "round" yourself. [sarcasm]Maybe then someday you will be a military pilot and work your way up to be an actual pilot.[/sarcasm]

Just busting balls...if you have any future in Naval aviation you might thicken your skin now.