I think there's a limit (1?) to the number of times you can change it
I was just talking to the admin folks here at NRD about this today actually. You can change your HOR twice in your life.
I think there's a limit (1?) to the number of times you can change it
I was just talking to the admin folks here at NRD about this today actually. You can change your HOR twice in your life.
The Navy will move whatever you want, up to the 600lbs, from where you are at right now down to Pensacola.
You're eligible for DLA (dislocation allowance) plus travel and a few other things. Point being, you'll get a few thousand that you can get new stuff with (it may take some time, but you'll get it, just be sure to ask).
As for the per diem while here in P-cola. Supposedly if you don't sign any type of lease or stay in the BOQ then you'll get it. That said, the official reg on per diem is that your permanent duty station can't be in a radius of about 50-60 miles. What that means is, technically, that going to Whiting after API you won't get per diem, but to anywhere else will get you the per diem. Now if that actually happens or not is solely up to the PSD you talk to and whomever files your paperwork.
Hey, I don't know if I can offer any more insight to this thread - just more questions. I am commissioning as an SNA here shortly and doing IFS at my unit before going to P'cola in November.
Penn St, are you doing IFS in Pensacola? That will surely increase your time there and potentially will leave you waiting longer as well.
I have heard various things about this 600 lb rule - my TV weighs 1/3 of that itself. I have also heard that I could rent a U-Haul and move everything myself and somehow get compensated from the Navy from doing so. Is this only for PCS moves?
About the Home of record, I don't even know what mine is. I don't know if it ever got changed from my parents' house to my apartment in Atlanta or what. I guess the YN1 at my unit can help me with that, but it doesn't sound like I need to be thinking about a Home of Record move before API anyways.
I guess I am not alone in feeling super-clueless about the whole Navy moving process, and it feels like SNA's have the most complicated procedure of any newly commissioned officer.