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Penn State Scholarship Issue


New Member
I have been selected for a 4 year Marine-Option Scholarship and assigned to the NROTC Unit at Penn State. I was accepted to Penn State however I was accepted into the branch Campus Altoona. It is to my understanding that the NROTC Unit only operates at the main campus, University Park. Penn State was my first choice and I truly want to attend this school. Since I have been assigned to this NROTC Unit, will I be able to attend the main campus? Is this possible? What kind of steps would I have to take to see this through?

Any assistance is appreciated. Thank you.



I applied to Penn State as one of my options for my STA-21 package. You are correct, there is only ROTC at University Park. Penn State though, generally likes to see freshman start at a branch campus.

My advice would be to call your admissions advisor etc, and explain the situation to them. I suspect that your case for main campus (assuming you applied for main campus) would be significantly strengthened by your ROTC scholarship. See what they can work out. The short answer though is no, they do not have to admit you to Main.

Also, bear in mind that depending on what you intended to study, certain courses of study route you differently through the campus structure. You may have to consider another option if that was a factor.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
You are correct. University Park is the only place that does Navy ROTC. Contact the NROTC unit [814-865-NAVY (6289)] and talk with Mrs. Butts, the NROTC Officer Recruiter. She can help you with the process. Good Luck.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Well-Known Member
Definitly talk to Mrs. Butts, if it is possible try to talk to CAPT. Hanson. As the Professor of Naval Science he might have some more pull with the university. Hope everything works out for you, we'd love to have you in the battalion next year.


I'm going to go with ea6bflyr on this one...since he was formerly the PSU NROTC aviation advisor he probably knows what's up.


\ Since I have been assigned to this NROTC Unit, will I be able to attend the main campus? Is this possible?

Stranger things have happened. One of my roommates was only accepted to Altoona but was selected as an alternate for the Blue Band so they let him come to University Park as a freshman. As someone who did all 4 years at University Park, I can say that's definitely the way to go.

If you really want to go to Penn State, it's not the end of the world to go to Altoona (provided you can afford it), kick ass and fatten up your GPA (branch campuses are considerably easier than main), then transfer to University Park as a Sophomore and pursue ROTC.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
What he said. I did 4yrs at University Park, but was so scopelocked on going to the Academy that I didn't finish my NROTC paperwork. Ended up doing the College Program thing and picking up a 3yr scholarship. So it's not the end of the world if you spend one year at a Commonwealth Campus.


Not to threadjack or anything, I just graduated from Pitt NROTC (cmu actually) 2 years ago, and my freshman year we were taught that P-E-N-N-S-T SUCKS!...just putting it out there. We weren't allowed to have any Mids from the Pitt branch campuses, but the AFROTC guys were allowed.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Not to threadjack or anything, I just graduated from Pitt NROTC (cmu actually) 2 years ago, and my freshman year we were taught that P-E-N-N-S-T SUCKS!...just putting it out there. We weren't allowed to have any Mids from the Pitt branch campuses, but the AFROTC guys were allowed.

Your post doesn't make sense. The only mids from Penn State are at the University Park (State College) campus. Pitt??

-ea6bflyr ;)