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Penn State Scholarship Issue


Believe it or not, Pitt has branch campuses in a several places in western PA, like Johnstown for example. I think that's what he's talking about...but I can see your confusion ea6bflyr, since whether or not Pitt lets their branch campus students participate or not has zero bearing on weather or not Penn State does.


Sorry for the confusion guys, I was just putting in my two cents on the issue. Our CMUNROTC in Pittsburgh unit would not allow branch campus mids, but some other schools might. The OP should try his hardest to get into the University Park campus. Sorry again.


Sorry for the confusion guys, I was just putting in my two cents on the issue. Our CMUNROTC in Pittsburgh unit would not allow branch campus mids, but some other schools might. The OP should try his hardest to get into the University Park campus. Sorry again.

No worries. We forgive you for being affliated with Pitt.:icon_wink


New Member
Well as it stands now, I did get my transfer to University Park and will be going there on a 4yr NROTC Scholarship, Marine-Option. Thanks for the input, it was actually Mrs. Butts who saw that the transfer went through.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Well as it stands now, I did get my transfer to University Park and will be going there on a 4yr NROTC Scholarship, Marine-Option. Thanks for the input, it was actually Mrs. Butts who saw that the transfer went through.
Congratulations. Enjoy the Gap and Shields Building Parking Lot. TCBP.

(you'll learn about all this as a Marine Option.) :D


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Awesome!! Glad it all worked out and ENJOY the Drill Team.....and remember TCBP. :D

Start working to MAX OUT your DEAD-HANG Pull-ups.

Make sure you THANK the ladies in the front office; they have a large impact on your NROTC career.

-ea6bflyr ;)


New Member
Congrats!! Make sure you PT for the Gap (Freshmen Orientation).

I just graduated from there so if you need/want information let me know. Have fun at Penn State!


Registered User
Definitely thank the ladies in the front office. I know that I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for those ladies and my unit staff. Congrats again and good luck.


~Bring the Wood!~
Saw the thread and had to just say hello on here. I grew up over the mountain from University Park and was a die hard blue and white. But I ended up going VT. Good luck at PSU next year man.
from an AH-64D guy.


New Member
Hey - I'm also going to be at PSU NROTC - I'm here now for summer session. What is Gap like? Any words to the wise?


New Member
Being on Gap Staff for the last 2 years, 1) I would say make sure you PT this summer 2) read through the Packet from Ms Butts 3) bring only what you need for the week (info is mailed out)

besides that...have fun!


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Hey - I'm also going to be at PSU NROTC - I'm here now for summer session. What is Gap like? Any words to the wise?
PT your butt off, blend in, fly under the radar, and remember it's only a week. (Went through as a frosh and then did 2 years on staff back when I was a mid)