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Pentagon Adviser: Dump Big War Training, Learn New Languages Instead


I'm still not going to answer directly, but if you see China and/or Russia as a peer to us, then logically, as we cut our military down in size, countries with smaller but still significant armed forces will become larger than they previously were, by comparison to our now-smaller armed forces. If you do not see China and/or Russia as a peer to us, then they very easily could be if we have a smaller military.

It's a road that I don't want to travel. Nobody in the world doubts that the American military will win against any opposing military force, and that's not a bad thing. If we cut back on the military, that just might invite enough doubt that somebody else can do a military build-up to compete with or surpass us. We used to be the largest exporter of a huge number of goods and have the strongest economy in the world. The European Union is the strongest economy in the world, and now our biggest export is security. We are an incredibly strong stabilizing force on our part of the map. It is in our best interest to retain the capabilities that we have, in my opinion.