Developing North American hydrocarbon reserves has nothing to do w/ idealism and everything to do w/ national security, soundness of the US$ and the long-term viability of the US Navy. National security is involved because we would no longer have to be super-cop in the Mideast if we produce our own needs of crude & NG (refining capacity is another issue). Soundness of the US$ is involved because our current Fed policy of printing $$ to purchase Treasury Debt is devaluing the US$ & is what's pushing up the price of crude. The LT viability of the Navy is involved because our Mideast policy of the past decade is wearing out ships, a/c & budgets at an unsustainable rate. Being 69 yrs old has certain advantages of historical perspective. Also, I did spend 20 yrs of active/reserve duty in the USN and 30+ yrs of international & large corporate banking experience w/ Fortune 500 banks. Just sayin' for all the 30 somethings that lecture us daily on this board. If we feel there is value in open & honest exchanges of experiences & POV, let's hear each other out w/out being condescending to our shipmates.