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physics required?


Registered User
I have a unique situation I think and would like to know what everyone thinks. I was put on a 3 year NROTC Tweedale scholarship after completing but one semester of college. NROTC requires you take Physics I and II along with Calculus ect... I took Physics I but changed to a non-tech major that doesn't require Physics II. Next semester will be my last semester, the one the Navy didn't pay for. They're telling me I still have to take Physics II even though I'm not on scholarship any more. College program guys aren't required to take these classes... and I assume that's the boat I'm in now, but my LT thinks differently. Any thoughts on how I can avoid Physics II?


Professional Javelin Catcher
It may be that the scholarships require "a year of calculus and a year of calculus-based physics" or at least that was the case when I went through. If so, then Physics I wouldn't be enough and would require the second semester. Personally, I was a CP'er and didn't take either (thank you GI Bill!); but all of my friends on scholarships did. CP only applies to those who are actually no-kidding CP'ers on advanced standing. I think the Tweedale types are "considered" as traditional scholarship.

Edit: I see...you're no longer a tech major like the Tweedale types are. Hmmm...they may still hold you to the requirement due to the fact that you took the cash. Might ultimately be a call your skipper will have to make - Ive seen some strange stuff, i.e. a CP'er go scholarship then back to CP and still commission (buddy of mine). I suppose anything's possible...


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Physics does hurt. A lot. I failed my final, but they haven't done the curve yet, so everyone pray I get a C so I don't have to repeat the class....


Registered User
alabama_matt said:
Suck it up and take Phyics II.

I'm afraid that's what I'm going to have to do. But, I'd much rather kick back and enjoy my last semester with say.... underwaterbasketweaving. :icon_wink Physics is gonna kick my a$$....... again.


CommodoreMid said:
Physics does hurt. A lot. I failed my final, but they haven't done the curve yet, so everyone pray I get a C so I don't have to repeat the class....

See, with classes like that, early on talk to the professor-just to be safe. Tell them the sob story about how you are trying very hard, but don't understand it, taking this for a Navy scholarship requirement, and if you don't pass you may not keep the scholarship, don't get commissioned and owe the navy $xxxxxxxx. etc etc etc.

For me, it worked (I was actually trying very hard to pass those classes). The profs understood where I was comming from- werent worried about me taking any upperlevels etc, and the grades worked out in the end. (there is a gentlemen's D somewhere on my transcript- but I still got commissioned. And yes, I had no shame in doing this.)

If you do use this, be careful and actually continue to work in the class... Know someone who did the same thing and was garunteed verbally they would pass- and the prof failed them second semester- they couldnt get commissioned until the following December.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Oh he knows I'm in NROTC, but he's not exactly the most empathetic guy. I had to take an exam late because I got mono right before Thanksgiving break. I was ridiculously sick, and even when all my professors had gave me extensions, he had me make up the exam at 8 AM on the Monday when I got back from break. It was super. Fortunately I'm a sophomore right now so I got time to retake it without having to worry about not commissioning at the moment.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
gatordev said:
Says the ECP who didn't have to take it....
Not because I didn't want to, but because I wouldn't graduate on time if I did. I fought over this very issue with LT Greene (remember him...sub type. John knows him real well). I wanted to take it and he said there was simply no room in my schedule. Remember, I was non-technical major, so I only had 30 months to graduate. Besides, I had more physics in the nuke pipeline than anyone will see in an entire year of college physics courses. I did take calculus though. Any other questions or comments? No? I didn't think so. Thanks for playing and have a nice day. :D


Working Plan B
Punk said:
considering some people's grasp of physics in here, I would take it
I resent that. I figured it out. My first Free Body Diagram was all AFU, but I did figure it out.

;) :D