fut.MIDSHIPMAN said:
Yes, here in Jersey we don't have the best educational system especially in my school. If you have a problem with that done take it out on me.
thank you to the few people who actually gave me advice and not just ridiculed me
I'm a product of Exit 16W. Being edumicated in Joisey is a handicap, but one you
can overcome. Look at me, for example!
"Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals. I'm living proof. Beefcake! BEEFCAKE!!"
Anyway, keep your eyes on the "prize" (jet pilot), but remember that you have a crap-ton of time before then. In fact, if my Jersey math is correct, you're looking at the better part a decade before you get your wings. Never lose sight of your goal, but take care of the short-term tasks that will get you there. For example, if you want to go to the Academy, your
immediate concern should be setting yourself up to get there - of which, I'm sure, some ring-knockers on this board can give you some advice. If you want it badly enough, the hard work started yesterday.
Speaking of setting yourself up for success, these three nuggets will help you:
1. Learn to live the phrase "Semper Gumby" - "Always Flexible." Have your goals, but be willing to adapt as the "mission" requires (you WILL be thrown curveballs along the way; learn to roll with the punches).
2. Make sure you develop thick skin.
3. Don't wind up in a van down by the river.