Proud member of Class 903
Coming from someone that's about to commission this May, you have to look at the big picture of the Navy. You’re an officer first, serving your country as a leader of sailor and marines. That is your job in the United States Navy, and that is what you should strive for first my friend. I did your same thing in high school, reading everything I could on naval aviation and ways to commission into the navy. I admire your enthusiasm, but think about just getting in a commissioning program (USNA, NROTC, PLC, etc...) first. Do the best you can in your selected major and use your summer cruises (USNA, NROTC) to decide want you want to do in the Navy. CORTRAMID is your best ticket to seeing everything that the Navy and Marine Corps have to offer as far as service selection. This occurs generally right after your freshman year with the battalion (Academy grads I know yours is a little different). Before I was found physically qualified for flight I took a submarine cruise for my 2/C cruise (going into junior year) to checkout alternate options. Last piece advice I could give you is that it will always come down to the "needs of the Navy", so have a 2nd and 3rd option ready and do not be too disappointed if you do not get your first choice. Information on NROTC programs can be found at NETC's website. Good luck there, and we'll see ya in the fleet soon enough. <Side note> Being able to have a thick skin and take some ribbing is just the nature of naval aviation. Had a couple buddies on my final summer cruise named "*%#@ Holster" and "&*^ Dumpster" just because they could be. Don't take anything to heart or too offensively. Good luck little man.
Coming from someone that's about to commission this May, you have to look at the big picture of the Navy. You’re an officer first, serving your country as a leader of sailor and marines. That is your job in the United States Navy, and that is what you should strive for first my friend. I did your same thing in high school, reading everything I could on naval aviation and ways to commission into the navy. I admire your enthusiasm, but think about just getting in a commissioning program (USNA, NROTC, PLC, etc...) first. Do the best you can in your selected major and use your summer cruises (USNA, NROTC) to decide want you want to do in the Navy. CORTRAMID is your best ticket to seeing everything that the Navy and Marine Corps have to offer as far as service selection. This occurs generally right after your freshman year with the battalion (Academy grads I know yours is a little different). Before I was found physically qualified for flight I took a submarine cruise for my 2/C cruise (going into junior year) to checkout alternate options. Last piece advice I could give you is that it will always come down to the "needs of the Navy", so have a 2nd and 3rd option ready and do not be too disappointed if you do not get your first choice. Information on NROTC programs can be found at NETC's website. Good luck there, and we'll see ya in the fleet soon enough. <Side note> Being able to have a thick skin and take some ribbing is just the nature of naval aviation. Had a couple buddies on my final summer cruise named "*%#@ Holster" and "&*^ Dumpster" just because they could be. Don't take anything to heart or too offensively. Good luck little man.
