I was going to start a new thread for this, but it fits here so I'll add to the conversation.
I've been lurking and posting here for some time now. I contracted in Oct. of '03 with an air contract to be what I thought was NFO. This is what I've told everyone I know for over two years now. I've been to both jrs and seniors and graduated. I'll commission this spring/early summer and head to TBS at the earliest possible date.
I'm older than the average bear at 27. I had some questions because of my age and commissioning date as to whether I'd need a waiver. I don't know why this wasn't mentioned or followed up before by my OSO (who has now since left The Corps). It turns out I need an after the fact age waiver and shouldn't have a very difficult time securing one seeing as how I've already done the OCS thing etc.
While working on the age waiver it became apparent there were some other discrepancies in my info. "Why", I was asked by the Gunny, "does it state here and here that you're an NFO contract?" I answered a little incredulously that's because I signed an NFO contract.
At that point I was told, and shown in my original contract, where I had signed an SNA contract and that I was not going to be an NFO at all. I was floored, not by my good fortune, but by the fact that I had been through the entire applying and OCS process and had no idea what the hell contract I had signed. I'm fricking embarassed!
I should probably say here that flying was never my reason for joining the Marine Corps and I wouldn't be bent out of shape if it didn't happen. I feel the above story proves I'm not terribly concerned at this juncture as to what my MOS is going to be. That being said, since lurking here and reading about aviation I have gotten excited about the prospects of flying. I have thought that NFO was my future and now that seems not to be and I'm kind of bummed.
So, all this being said, what advice does anyone have for me. I'm tinkering with the idea of trying to get out of the SNA slot and go NFO. Is this or has this been done? What would all of you do (those with experience) in my situation. I don't want to hear from Johnny Highschool that being a pilot is "soo sweet". I really want to weigh my options (if I have any).
I am now open to mudslinging and advice. Thanks and Semper Fi, Doc