May be of some help
Benson said:
Hey all,
I am a college sophomore and am new to the site; however, i have been readying a lot of post from the forums with regard to studying the ASTB. 3 weeks ago i started the application process for the BDCP. My first and only choice is pilot. My recruiter of course says there are some slots open for Fiscal Year 2007, but he is trying to get me to go NFO. Can anyone confirm whether there are slots available. I read some ppls posts which show high ASTB scores and etc . . . and the do not get accepted and others with lower scores who do. it seems like it must just really just come down to a matter of timing. I have been studying ARCO, Gouge, and Cliff Notes like crazy +studying with some air force fighter pilots i know, i PT hard everyday, and my GPA is a solid 3.4. I just dont want it to all be in vein. anyways, if anyone knows anything about pilot slot availabilties, just let me know. thanks.
I was selected last June for a 2006 slot. I go to a Aviation school and my recruiter has been pushing me and my roomate (ALSO SELECTED FOR 2006) to recruite hard. However, in early february, as i understand it there were no more 2006 Navy(I believe-selection is nation wide) slots avaliable. We are trying to get people for 2007 and up.
Don't know if it will help, but good luck... MARINE PLC PROGRAM (I believe-selection is within the recruiting district) is ok too. you won't get the pay during school like the BDCP, but you will get a guarenteed flight slot "contract".. REMEMBER "Marine aviators are Marines first then Aviators." ---had a cousin with them for 20 yrs retired colonel loved every minute of it AV-8b flyer.
Might look into Airforce. ATI or something like that, word has it they have a few slots available(not sure about selection). Don't have to apply/get selected until 365 days before you would go to the airforces officer school(I believe-ATI).
P.S. Get your cummulative up around 3.7, boards dig that and above. If you know any pilots ask to borrow their Private Pilot test prep,these are published by Gleim or ASA, learn some of the basics about wing design,Aerodynamics, and other basics.
Speed is Life, More is Better.