Apologize for all the BS everyone's been giving you. It's a legitimate question that deserves a legitimate answer.What sorts of shipboard officer duties do pilots take on? Thanks!
Life divides itself into two "cycles" for a Naval Aviator/Naval Flight Officer...ashore (e.g., "at home station"...think "turnaround training", etc.) and deployed/embarked for shipboard ops (think "cruise" or "overseas deployment" for the non-shipboard types...P-3s, Ep-3s, in-country deployments, whatever...). The two are very different in terms of your personal "daily rhythm", so for the sake of brevity, I'll just limit my description of "a typical day" to the latter...the embarked/deployed cycle of life:
You will be required to do three or four things, in various combinations: In no particular order:
1. Plan/brief/man-up/fly/recover/debrief/. Then think about how to do better next time. Maybe talk to your peers or your flight lead, etc.
2. Do "non-flying stuff" that is critical to the enterprise: Squadron Duty Officer, Pri-Fly Watch (AKA "Tower Flower"), Aircraft Integrity Watch, FOD Walkdowns, maybe CATTC Watch, maybe trainee LSO (pilot's only), that sort of thing. S'all good, brah...
3. Sleep until you're hungry (can be done while the rest of the ship is at GQ...which is nice...).
4. Eat until you're tired.
Repeat...in no certain or predictable order.