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PLC-C Who's going this summer?

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Registered User
Not much on PLC combined this coming summer so I thought I’d start the official thread. So who is going besides me?!

My current stats:

Sex: Male

Pull-ups: 20++++++(I’m like a machine or something)
Sit-ups: 100
Run: Average (21...something)

GPA: bad
LOR: nothing special
Tickets: none
Waivers: none
Felonies: never brought to trial (jk)

Status: Single
Shoe Size: 11 US; 10 UK; 45 EUR; 29 CM
Ethnic background: German, Irish, red haired Scottish midget…
Addictions: History Channel
Brand loyalties: Chevy, Winchester, Pepsi
Music of choice: Country

Favorite Quote: “People…on this test, there are just as many true answers as there are false answers( T&F test). I know some of you have no idea what you are doing so it would befue (sp?)(-to benefit) you to play the odds” -professor of mine


Registered User
hey muffin thats a lot of stuff to know about you, maybe you might want to tell us your birthday, your SS# and to credit card #s too.

Nah, just giving you a little ish. I am going to OCS this summer. I am a Air contract and ready to start all the fun.


Registered User
I will see you guys there! Hell ya, im freakin excited. Just got all the info. on what to start studying for and a cool t-shirt from the OSO. How many pullups are we talkin muffin? Give me some tips dude. I am stuck at about 18-19. I can run a sub 20min. 3 mile. How are you guys going to train untill PLC?


Registered User
man there are a lot of these type posts

i believe i will also be joining you all.

pft 243 (pull-ups bad)
astb 9/9
status-senior (mwahaha) but graduate in Dec so plc is still a go

oh yeah, plans for training.

I runs in boots/utes (minus the top, i don't have any money got the trousers though).
Northwest arkansas is also very hilly.

Active member of U of A ultimate frisbee team (don't laugh, it is very competitive).

plan on restarting the armstrong program and generally working on muscle strength/endurance

90% of dropouts of males at OCS is medical (injuries or otherwise---taken from post at www.marineocs.com)
so i'm going to try to strength key areas like my knees (lots of jumping in ultimate and they are a bit weakened for me), quads, hamstrings (to prevent pulls/strains and whatnot)

never had shin splints so i don't think that will be so much a problem and finally. lots of mental preparation through as many leadership positions i can manage and lots of reading.

Good luck to you all,
Ryan Von Rembow


Registered User
I may be there this summer for 6 weeks or next for 10....depends if i can get my transcripts early...hopefully ill get to do the 2x 6 weeks.... Just passed the astb, waiting to do pft+medical


Registered User
We're suppose to read stuff before we go?

Damn, I learn something new every day. I was planning on just showing up. I should ask about this.

38 pull-ups is my record but on any given day, I can hit 31-34 consistently. No real secret to my routine. First set is as much as possible then the next ten go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (1 min. rest in between). At this time I'm at around 85 so I just do slow, closed-hand, etc. pull-ups till I reach 100. So I'm probably pooping 100 pull-ups in under 20 min. A good workout. Then I'm done till next week.

It is funny because for a person of my body type (skinny) to throw down that many, people think there is no way in hell. I don't have monster lats or anything. Although it is not an everyday occurrence, I do get asked for my routine. More than my routine, the best advise I can give is even if you can only do 5 pull-ups do everything, your whole routine on the pull-up bar. None of this lat pull-down machine. Next, loose weight. I personaly know I go down about 3 pull-ups for every five pounds I gain. Finally, people waiste a VAST amount of energy on the way down. Just drop and lock. Let the bones do the stopping. Everyone may not agree with this but through trial and error, this is what I have found works for me.

If you just need 1 or 2 more pull-ups, you could probably get that through tweeking your style. Maybe push your chest out a little more so more weight is across your back. For you, I'd say get the rhythm down for sixteen pull-ups. After this, hang for a few then pop out another one then hang for a few and another one...I know this is what I do and for some reason, my mind thinks it is easier to add one to the rhythm set than at the very end. Either way, I still do the same.

Sorry to bend an ear like that. Anyways, I have to work on the running myself.


Registered User
I sent you a PM with a couple questions. Mainly, I want to know if you are only doing pullups 1 day a week.


Registered User
For some reason, my PM box doesn't work. Some kind of error.

Anyways...yes, I only do this workout once a week although I do, do one max set one day between there. You know, I'll just go in and bust out one max set before I do my workout for that day. I know it sounds kind of stupid, but I've been doing this same workout ever since I could only do 12 pull-ups. The only thing that changes each week is my first set, my max set (it increases). I know it is simple but sometimes you stumble on things that work and why change? I figure when my progress levels, I'll just add sets 11, 12, 13, etc.

I did start out with the Armstrong program but didn't like it so just began chopping. As you can tell, I basically took a car and chopped it down to the flywheel and thought, "Yeah, could use this."


Grad of OCS 187 Charlie Co. 3rd Plt.
hehe, you lucky PLC'ers able to get in with a 250 pft...hehe just some sour grapes, I may have to pull mine above that current 285 for OCC 186. Seriously though, good luck to all you guys this summer!


Registered User
muffin, thanks for responding. I'm going to try your routine but I may do it every 3 days -- with a 2 day rest between workouts.

wildflyin69, I feel the same way. The way I look at it is that if I do get in, my PFT strengths will get me through the tough PT sessions. And thats IF I GET IN!


Registered User
let me add.... I went from a 160 PFT to a 250 in the space of about 10 weeks, so that was probably in my favor. I am up 3 pull-ups from last PFT, so lets call it a 265


Registered User
I'll be there. To get ready, I'm mainly doing a bunch of resistance training at the gym and not a lot of running because I'm trying to gain muscle mass. Also consuming whey protein, creatine, and HMB. What's more important--to be able to run a long distance or strenght? Seems hard to train for both at the same time. Would like feedback from all of you.
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