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PLC Juniors, 1st Increment


I just got word from my OSO that I have been selected for PLC Air, and I'll be going to Juniors on May 28th. I'm freaking excited as hell, I just called everyone in my cell phone to tell them all. Anyone else going shipping to Juniors then? I'd love to start getting to know people who are going at the same time as I am.

I'd like to thank everyone on airwarriors for all their help, and for giving me plenty of gouge to read to fill the time waiting for the final decision to come down. I'm thrilled to be able to have the opportunity to be in the United States Marine Corps, and I'm thrilled to be able to defend my country. God Bless America, and God Bless its right arm, the Marines Corps!


Livin the MEU life
Hey Batman, Maybe you will be able to get that ride in the ....Honda. Congratulations on getting in. Now work out and stay out of trouble.


Registered User
I'll likely be seein' you down there. I'm in on the same ticket-summa' that 7599!
Check with your OSO to see if there's an MCROTC detatchment in your area conducting the Bulldogs prep course. It will kick your ass, leave you jobless and begging for mercy (if they're doin it right), but I expect it to be a huge leg up for the real deal.


I believe there's MCROTC at the U of M up here, if not, there's definitely NROTC. I'm pretty sure that we do have a Bulldog Prep-Course in the area too. Required ass kicking I believe. It's cool, I can taste the jet fuel already.


New Member
batman527 said:
I believe there's MCROTC at the U of M up here, if not, there's definitely NROTC. I'm pretty sure that we do have a Bulldog Prep-Course in the area too. Required ass kicking I believe. It's cool, I can taste the jet fuel already.

There's no MCROTC, but there is MCJROTC. Any NROTC unit will have a contingent of Marines and Marine options (might be really small, though). Those are the ones who do 'Bulldog prep'. It may be a good idea to talk to a couple of them first to get an idea of what they do before bopping into the MOI's office. That way if he asks you questions, you can speak semi-intelligently about what you'll be doing. We would let PLCers PT with us but they had to contribute in return, i.e. going to some of our social events, doing field training with us, helping with and attending the Birthday Ball, etc etc... Even that benefitted them because they got the chance to see Marines and some of their peers in a setting outside of PT.


Dean of Students
batman527 said:
I can taste the jet fuel already.

From where is this jet fuel coming?

If you think OCS is anywhere close to jets, well....you will never feel further away from your flight contract and Pensacola than you do when you're facedown in the IMC.


DocT said:
From where is this jet fuel coming?

If you think OCS is anywhere close to jets, well....ah, nevermind.

The closest I got to jets was the delta shuttle that delivered me into the kind, caring hands of the OCS staff.

That and the C-17's landing at HMX-1.


Well-Known Member
batman527 said:
*sigh*, people know how to crap all over somebody's excitement on this page. For real, I'm not an idiot. I KNOW that PLC is still months away, I know that Seniors is not for a year after that even. I KNOW that after Seniors, I don't Commission until after I graduate. I KNOW that after commissioning that I could have a wait of several months until I go to TBS. I KNOW that TBS is a six month course. I KNOW that all of these steps are extremely challenging, and not just a walk in the park. I KNOW. The point I was trying to make is that KNOWING that flight school is the end goal of all of this work and hardship is going to be what pulls me through all of said work and hardship. So, if anyone else feels like telling me what a long road I have in front of me and how hard it's going to be, save me and everyone else here (yourself included) the time and energy that it's going to take you to write that pointless post, and us the time and energy it's going to take to read it. Stow it already. I don't think I'm just going to prance through all of the necessary steps and just start flying Hornets my first day at PLC. Ok? Ok. Glad we got that settled.

Nobody's crapping on you. It's just some good-natured ribbing mixed in with a little reality. Sorry your feelings are hurt because we're not giving you a group hug like the Queer Eye guys.

You've gotta grow some thicker skin, or you'll have a very, very hard time in the military.


New Member
batman527 said:
Stow it already.

Aye aye, applicant! If you can't get some thicker skin you may as well find a new line of work. If you do enter the Navy or Marine Corps, be prepared to hear the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...


PLC Sr's Candidate
Just figured I'd post up here as well. I just found out today that I've been accepted to PLC Jr's, 1st Inc. I'm excited as hell and can't wait to get the ball rolling.

On a different, but similar note, I had the opportunity to meet a great inspiration yesterday. I wait tables at a relatively swank Italian restaurant. I had this great couple come in, and when I took his bill noticed he had a USMC USAA card. I ran it and let him know that I was a Marine Officer Candidate Applicant. Turns out he was a Captain who's currently an F-18 Instructor Pilot down in New Mexico. Had a great talk with him, and realized I was taking up too much of his time, so he was nice enough to offer me his e-mail and send him any questions I have. Man, talk about a great opportunity, had to share!