Just so you know, it's only NFO spots that are available for the January Marine OCS class. If that's what you want that's fine, but I definitely echo the 'bird in hand' sentiments.
My OSO let me know there was one Pilot spot available in the district and that if I could get my sh*t together and get my PFT out of the way, I'll be the only one competing for it. All my paperwork is still in the system/in order so it's just a matter of taking the PFT and contracting.
You're pro-rec'd with the navy. All you need to do is go through MEPS and get your FS letter and you're golden. Why toss that aside for something that "might" happen? You said you had a shot, not that you were guaranteed to get it. Just sounds like a few too many ifs (as in, there are ifs), to throw away a commission with the navy.
Yea, I see what you're saying. That's why it's such a dilemma. All things considered, I think I have an equal chance with both at the moment. I wouldn't be throwing away my chances with Navy until I was contracted/selected for USMC Air. The whole premise of my post here was to see just how long I can hold off before a decision is necessary, so I don't end up making a mistake by throwing somethnig away.
I know it may seem greedy, but if I have the option I think it's fair to consider it, especially since it's what I had intended to do originally anyway. I appreciate the input though.