vvmountainvv said:i thought this was going to be a thread about flight boots from Poland. man, i am dumb.
It was the capitalization of 'Polish' that threw me off.
vvmountainvv said:i thought this was going to be a thread about flight boots from Poland. man, i am dumb.
I saw an emergency pull forward and landing on the USS Midway when a F-4 RIO had his boot catch fire. Seems there were rows of circuit breakers at feet level in the back cockpit of a the F-4. This one had some electrical arcing and between the polish, oil, jet fuel and everything else soaked into this RIO's boot, he had a pretty good flame going. Funny site watching him bail out of the cockpit after the trap - looked like one of those old cartoons where they stick matches between the toes.Crowbar said:If your boots catch fire, you have a hell of a lot more to worry about than whether or not they have a little wax on them.
gaijin6423 said:Probably should be posted under the "Urban Legends" thread, but that whole thing about polish being a fire hazard is nothing but BS.
shoo24 said:Def not true... there was a kid my 2/C year I think it was that almost burned down 4th wing of Bancroft because he lit is can of shoe polish on fire after trying to soften it with a lighter. At least the fire dept got to do something for once...
gaijin6423 said:Sure, if you light the CAN on fire. But the amount of polish on a boot will not catch fire unless you mix it with other flammable juice. ...Which there is plenty of lying around, as most of us know. I had one of my LCpls pull this line on me when I was stationed in Japan, and I made him try to light his boots on fire after he polished them up. .
phrogdriver said:Sounds as if you might have a job on "Mythbusters."