Thanks for all of the advice, I think that I going to pursue the Master's Degree. Concerning wtf a Degree in Diversity Studies is, for me it was an easy way to boost my GPA. I was originally signed up for a Military Studies degree, but my school cancelled it after I had taken about 18 hours towards the 30 hours required. Because of my hours I had accumulated, they agreed to give me a Diversity Studies degree instead, but I didn't study an issues related to diversity. Just how it worked out.
As far as the Criminal Justice degree, I agree that it is not the most impressive. If I could have majored in Military Aviation at my school, I definitely would have. Since that wasn't an option, my reasoning was to find a degree that I could possibly use after the Military. Typically Criminal Justice degrees are in fact used to help people fight crime, i.e. State and Federal Law Enforcement. I would like to possibly fly for Customs or something along those lines after hopefully a Military career.
Either way, in my case it is just a means to an end. With the end hopefully being a SNA slot in the Navy.
Thanks again for all of the advice.