at A&M we do what is called "hocky pucking" where you pee in a dip can, freeze it, and slide the frozen block of pee under an upperclassmens door in the middle of the night and they wake up with pee in the middle of the room
I wish we had some more rivals here at VMI. At least we know that our cheerleaders can beat up the cadets at El Cid.
All American - that's a low blow! That was a great game though... at least for us. Sad to say it, but the knob that your cheerleader choked was a Navy contract knob (as am I). Pretty good friends with the guy, and needless to say, it's mentioned to him on almost a daily basis.
Because of that game, we had a "VMI Watch" posted all over campus 24/7 on Friday and Saturday. Pansies knew better than to try anything, eh?![]()
Yeah, over in the projects (6th wing-the last wing to be rennovated) there was a guy doing that. But something went terribly wrong and he fell through the ceiling. I think he got in a good amount of trouble for that.
at A&M we do what is called "hocky pucking" where you pee in a dip can, freeze it, and slide the frozen block of pee under an upperclassmens door in the middle of the night and they wake up with pee in the middle of the room
You can still crawl above the renovated showers if you're small enough. One Sunday afternoon plebe year my dumb ass roomate walked out of the room with the door locked. We had to go around to all the firsties to try to find out who had the master key, but none of them knew where it was. The MOD found out and said he was going to get a key from the company O when he came in that night to oversee that Alpha room inspections (this would have been bad...) So we found the smallest guy we could and sent him up over our neighbors shower. Problem was he fell through the ceiling bringing half of it down with him. We got back in our room just before the start of the inspection and cleaned the chunks of cieling off the floor. We had an empty rack and it was covered in shit, but it was only on the top. We got inspected by some out of company firstie and their Gunny. Gunny asked what the f@ck was up with our ceiling and we told him that was so he could check the ceiling for contraband. He just said "good thinking" and passed us with a 49/50.
Also had some friends 2nd class year splice a cable from the wardroom to their room. They brought in a couch and some other furniture and hid their TV along with a fridge full of beer in an empty wall locker. For a while they were living the civilian college life... Then the Dep Daunt came in and went ballistic...
You can still crawl above the renovated showers if you're small enough.OR if you hack through the sections of insulation with a knife... cause when you get caught apparently you have to work with the 1st LT for a while.
During Army week I advise you
Hook up a King Hall "anchors away playing music button" to the speakers of someones computer or short circuit the button making it play in a continous loop.
Recon shower knobs, computer power cords, tape up mattress and stuff them in the ceilings- cut tape, cut 1/2 inch off the belt on working blues... specially of the girls, turn the refrigerators for firsties temp REALLY HIGH or really low, take someones door OFF of the hinges and hide it, remove all the stall seperators in the heads, syrup in all of the door handles, swap ALL the right shoes from one room with all the left shoes from another... think stripers and across wings for formation, leave obvious love notes... across company... with the geeky kid, super glue conn locker locks, borrow keys from keyboards but watch out for webcams that might catch the pranksters. Coat deck plates in baby oil.
My favorite, I went around and every unlocked computer.
1. Unhook speakers
2. Volume maximum
3. display a disturbing webpage that plays sound in a loop on the desktop.
4. Set a password if you can
5. Shut down computer, plug in speakers at max volume
They will come back turn on the computer and the clip will instantly play.. hopefully in a loop.
Now some really bad ones.
Crab juice- take a pop bottle fill it with crab juice during the crab feast. Include intestines and seal it up tight... for extra measure double bag it in ziplocks. Now place if up ontop of the shower area so no one will find it during alphas. You can not get rid of the smell... plus it goes right under locked doors![]()
Go to a room clog the shower drain with towels... or uniforms. Then turn it on full blast. Place a mattress inside and wait until the water pressure creates a seal on the mattress to the shower. There is no way to remove fix it without dumping water everywhere.... dont get caught!
You also have your flour and shaving cream bombs.
Just remember if it does damage and its big enough... you will get caught. Thats why I recommend alot of the first ones... cheap to fix.