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Preliminary Service Selection Numbers Released


New Member
The projected numbers for service selection out of NROTC have been released. I am interested to hear what the pros and cons of this may be, and if these number lie outside out of the norm. Out of the 600 plus NROTC graduates in 2009, the numbers are predicted to split as follows. (I applied for Aviator as my number 1)

Aviator - 217
NFO - 45
EOD - 10
SEAL - 16
Nuke - 110
SWO - 210

Is it typical to have this many slots for the aviation community? Obviously this a good thing as far as odds of getting a pilot slot goes, but could they be overrecruiting? If it is not typical to have this many slots, why the sudden surge and what does this mean for flight school?


is clara ship
1) Where on earth did you find those figures? I never heard one word about the official numbers when I was in NROTC.

2) I don't know what "over-recruiting" would be, but for the last couple of years they have been giving out SNA slots like candy so it doesn't really seem unprecedented from a casual observer's standpoint.


Registered User
Isn't aviation (Pilot and NFO) the largest community within the officer corps? Makes sense they're taking in the most people.


New Member
CommodoreMid: Your profile says your from the Nashville area and your account name suggests you go to Vandy, am I correct?


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Went there. What's up Shanaynay? Guess which SNFO who just graduated this is.


Making Recruiting Great Again
Why the hell is everyone finding out stuff before my unit does? My aviation LT keeps telling us he has no idea what's going on and that the earliest we will find out is February.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
Why the hell is everyone finding out stuff before my unit does? My aviation LT keeps telling us he has no idea what's going on and that the earliest we will find out is February.

God hates you ;)


Registered User
Why the hell is everyone finding out stuff before my unit does? My aviation LT keeps telling us he has no idea what's going on and that the earliest we will find out is February.

Tell that bum to get to work. :icon_smil

Those numbers are fairly standard. The EOD and SEAL numbers are exactly the same as they were 6 years ago, and the others are all right in the same ball park.

Remember, just because they have 200+ SNA's from NROTC, that does not project 200+ aviators from NROTC. They can (and will) cut fat in the pipeline.

For his next trick, schnabdt will tell you what % gets jets.


New Member
haha well played bevo, unfortunately I don't have any tricks. this is all new news to me so I just figured I would pass it along. I didn't know they made those resources availiable online so im just saying what I hear. Hopefully my next trick will be finding out about commissioning next week.

Oh and so your not dissapointed, what I do know about jets is that there will be more and more F-18 slots as the fleet begins the transition of multiple missions to this airframe.

CommodoreMid, im guessing its gotta be either Trezise or Allen.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Oh and so your not dissapointed, what I do know about jets is that there will be more and more F-18 slots as the fleet begins the transition of multiple missions to this airframe.

Uh, what?


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Oh and so your not dissapointed, what I do know about jets is that there will be more and more F-18 slots as the fleet begins the transition of multiple missions to this airframe.

Gatordev said:
Uh, what?

Concur with Dev...What other missions are you talking about? You don't know much unless you're referring to transition of Prowlers to Growlers.


is clara ship
I heard SAR and ASW were going to be transferred from -60's to Hornets w/n the next 5 years......