Well since you all asked, yes I have the gouge.
Nah, there was a random spam post from what looked kinda like a Russian mail order bride kind of deal, and a few of us immature folk had some fun with it.
I like your rumor monger sense of humor. Here are some helpful tips when you get to the fleet:
Credit the rumor to some vaguely authoritative source. For example, our aircewmen and maintainers used to start shipboard rumors in the smoke pit with the opener, "I heard one of the pilots say ___." "At the ops brief" works okay but it's a bit specific too.
If you add a random, barely related or unrelated "fact" then that tends to distract the critical thinking lobe of people's brains. The old deployment might get extended or the next port call might get canceled is a good standby, but throw in something about which side of the ship would have been pierside (for busting rust and paint) and mention that the port after this one does med mooring or that it's anchor out, think we'll get wet riding the liberty launch? That brief mental distraction can make the difference of a person's reaction being "nah, that's funny but it's b.s." or "they're doing what?!?"
Remember, for a good rumor to be good only one person has to fall for it.