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Presidential Candidate Blames Fox News for Anticipated loss

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Former SWO
Which part about what he said isn't true? Fox News has almost no journalistic substance whatsoever. It exists and thrives only by appealing to the absolute lowest common denominator and it *does* spread absolutely ridiculous drivel that five minutes of actual research by an actual journalist would debunk entirely.

Fox News is much akin to watching the Daily Show or reading The Onion - absolutely hilarious satire and over-the-top dramatization, except, they don't even realize it.


I can see where this thread is headed...


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Which part about what he said isn't true? Fox News has almost no journalistic subsistence whatsoever. It exists and thrives only by appealing to the absolute lowest common denominator and it *does* spread absolutely ridiculous drivel that five minutes of actual research by an actual journalist would debunk entirely.

Fox News is much akin to watching the Daily Show or reading The Onion - absolutely hilarious satire and over-the-top dramatization, except, they don't even realize it.

Don't confuse the editorial-oriented programs (O'Reilly, H&C, etc), which FOX has more of, with the straight news programs. In the end, who cares about this anyway? FOX leans right, CNN and MSNBC lean left - everybody knows that and none of them are really any more or less sensational overall. If you really want fair & balanced, you have to watch a variety of networks and other sources of news



Registered User
Cold Blooded killers

Don't confuse the editorial-oriented programs (O'Reilly, H&C, etc), which FOX has more of, with the straight news programs. In the end, who cares about this anyway? FOX leans right, CNN and MSNBC lean left - everybody knows that and none of them are really any more or less sensational overall. If you really want fair & balanced, you have to watch a variety of networks and other sources of news


MSNBC seems pretty centered.



Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Fox News has almost no journalistic subsistence whatsoever.

Which definition of subsistence are you trying to apply to your statement?

Regardless, you have pretty high standards if you are expecting to derive journalistic subsistence from Fox or any other network news. I agree with Brett, you have to sample several news sources to filter out the bias.


standard-issue stud v2.0
Nail your eyelids to your forehead and watch C-SPAN. It's the only way to stay awake through it.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I see Fox News and NPR the same way - good for reporting the news, just switch off before they start in on the commentary.

FWIW: If you want straight-up reporting on anything political, go to Real Clear Politics. Among other things, they're the ones who do averages of all current polling instead of trying to draw big conclusions from whatever the most recent poll said. They also have their own analysis and commentary, plus articles from the full spectrum - Village Voice to National Review - and a sampling of the more coherent bloggers.

For just news, I listen to the BBC.


Formerly SNA2007
My point was not to prove that the senator was wrong or prove fox right; however, it would be nice to see a candidate take responsibility for their own pitfalls rather than blame a news agency. If you loose a state its because you did not connect with the people and find common ground. Its a little ridiculous to waste time blaming a news agency when you could be offering up solutions and reasons you should be elected.


Third times a charm
I can't even watch the news anymore, even fox news, which i believe is the most balanced (just not as right leaning as CNN/MSNBC are left) every body hates bush and feels like they need to tell every body else every ten seconds.....I would love for some of these reporters or commentators to have to make the decisions that A President, of the most powerful country in the world, with the most to lose and the least to gain, makes.


Really old guy
My point was not to prove that the senator was wrong or prove fox right; however, it would be nice to see a candidate take responsibility for their own pitfalls rather than blame a news agency. If you loose a state its because you did not connect with the people and find common ground. Its a little ridiculous to waste time blaming a news agency when you could be offering up solutions and reasons you should be elected.



Why's he blaming the media? Because blaming the voters didn't work for him last time.

Which definition of subsistence are you trying to apply to your statement?

Regardless, you have pretty high standards if you are expecting to derive journalistic subsistence from Fox or any other network news. I agree with Brett, you have to sample several news sources to filter out the bias.

Or, if you're looking for actual journalism, you could stick to reading and not the boob tube.


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
I just watch Fox News for the hot chicks...

Sadly, many news stations have anchors and reporters providing commentary...Fox just has more vocal anchors...

I miss the old days when my news and my martinis were dry, with nothing extra added. Is it too much to ask to have someone just read the days events without a bunch of faux concern or bloviating??


That's awesome.

I'm sure the BBC is something in line with what you're looking for.

I see we're making great use of this new youtube functionality. If only DoD would get with the times.


Former SWO
Don't confuse the editorial-oriented programs (O'Reilly, H&C, etc), which FOX has more of, with the straight news programs. In the end, who cares about this anyway? FOX leans right, CNN and MSNBC lean left - everybody knows that and none of them are really any more or less sensational overall. If you really want fair & balanced, you have to watch a variety of networks and other sources of news

Oh trust me, I'm most definitely not confusing the Fox News Network's complementary programs with it's mainstream newscasting. It is all equally shitty and unrepresentative of true journalism. It's like they publish media with the sole aim of not reporting news, but provoking controversy. It's garbage, plain and simple.
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