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Presidential Candidate Blames Fox News for Anticipated loss

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Former SWO
But quite a few of us have been Which gives us an interesting perspective when viewing the "news" on your perceived less-biased networks.

While it is undeniable that all of the major networks tinge their news reports with bias here and there, if you think any of them are on par with the level of bias that Fox employs then you don't watch much news.


I don't suppose you had former KKK member and DEM Senator Byrd in mind did you? Ah, didn't think so. I wonder if all the bigots you see in WV own guns and go to church. I don't imagine any are Democrats, senators or otherwise, or are any other race then Caucasian?

What a coinkydink! Not.

I'm not even from there, yet I am tempted to make you squeal like a pig for your bigoted remarks. :eek:

Oh, is that so? Pray tell, how would you go about that? Minus perhaps the fact that I have been to WV on more than one occasion (so this isn't just mean making broad generalizations without having had first-hand experience). And, also taking into account that statistically it has the fewest number of college graduates in the nation and one of the largest per-capita ratios of working class families, and also that there is a strong statistical correlation (those damned statistics!) between education, income, and their respective ties to a class/individual's inclination to exhibit racist behaviors or carry prejudice, I guess you could go right ahead with that verbal tongue lashing.


Really old guy

Oh, is that so? Pray tell, how would you go about that? Minus perhaps the fact that I have been to WV on more than one occasion (so this isn't just mean making broad generalizations without having had first-hand experience). And, also taking into account that statistically it has the fewest number of college graduates in the nation and one of the largest per-capita ratios of working class families, and also that there is a strong statistical correlation (those damned statistics!) between education, income, and their respective ties to a class/individual's inclination to exhibit racist behaviors or carry prejudice, I guess you could go right ahead with that verbal tongue lashing.

Where are your sources....got a citation handy?


Oh, is that so? Pray tell, how would you go about that? Minus perhaps the fact that I have been to WV on more than one occasion (so this isn't just mean making broad generalizations without having had first-hand experience). And, also taking into account that statistically it has the fewest number of college graduates in the nation and one of the largest per-capita ratios of working class families, and also that there is a strong statistical correlation (those damned statistics!) between education, income, and their respective ties to a class/individual's inclination to exhibit racist behaviors or carry prejudice, I guess you could go right ahead with that verbal tongue lashing.

So......you've met some racists in WV.
West Virginians are dumb and poor (excuse me, blue-collar), and hence more likely to be racist.
Hence, WV is chalk(sic) full of racists.

By that logic, harlem is full of criminals.


Question, what ever happened to those ready room rules?
Nothing's happened to them ... they are in effect. In point of fact, closing this thread is the only way I can personally keep from giving "m0tbaillie" negative rep -- negative rep for being a fool and for being promiscuously ignorant -- and not even knowing it. That constitutes "negative rep" in my book.

But instead, as fc2spyguy correctly points out: Ready Room Rules apply .... and we were never here ....

Fellow Air Warriors, the hopefuls and chosen few,

Some rambling thoughts from your webmaster:

WAR ZONE. Forum posting has recently gotten out of hand with respect to certain controversial topics. While the War Zone does say "unmoderated", it is still an extension of this website and under my and the moderators purvue.

WARDROOM RULES. That being said, all the commissioned officers on this website are familiar with Wardroom Rules, but to update those of you on here who are unfamiliar:
We need to get back to wardroom rules. No politics, no religion and no wives...but girlfriends are fair game.
"Oh webmaster, what does that mean?" you ask smartly... Those topics are well known to get everyone in an uproar, and get the tempers flaring. There HAVE beens some good topics on politics and religion on this website... maybe one or two regarding wives (but those have a place in the PSC, I keed)... The mods do a great job of reeling those threads in, and stopping them before they get out of hand. So, basically, those thread topics are out of bounds, and are subject to "summary deletion" by the mod squad...

I will also, add and reiterate. To keep this website from being diluted, and on topic... Posts in the public forums need to be in some way connected to Naval Aviation, Marine Corps or the miliary in general.

DELETED POSTS and INFRACTIONS. Some of the tools at the disposal of the mods (yes, yes, some of them are O4s)... But the other tools are either a deletion of post or giving a poster an "infraction" to notify them of what they did wrong. "Sally" keep your skirt down, and don't get bent out of shape if we delete one of your threads OR the infraction. The mods discuss posts, and what we need to do to keep the website on track. Infractions mean nothing in the real scheme of things, and won't help you get that mocha at Starbucks, they just help us run and keep track of this website. If you have a problem, report a post to get it flagged for all mods to see it and your comments. Or PM any of the Admins to assist. Granted, we all work for the man, so give us time to look into it, and answer the question.

Regarding YOUTUBE or posts to funny videos. Good god, resist the urge to increase your post count. The occassional one is fine and dandy, but some of you out there live to post these videos, restrain yourself lest we do it for you.

THE GOLDEN RULE, aka EXCEPTION TO ALL ABOVE... If you can pull it off, or in some way can present something else in a humorous or off handed way, go for it. As in any wardroom, humor and timing are EVERYTHING. But be prepared to get your ass handed to you.

Seriously though, the website is doing well, and welcome to all the new members. We have had some excellent, and well thought out first posts lately. And quite a few members (active and retired) sporting the Wings of Gold are now added to our ranks. A hearty welcome aboard Air Warriors, we are glad to have you here.

College students, Middies and hopefuls, keep those questions coming. The Search function is always handy, but some of the material changes and your question may help yourself and many others out. Keep charging towards those goals, and as Wink would say "cut that cord!!".

SNAs and SNFOs... unless you are in an A or C pool, what the hell are you doing on the website right now, you should be studying or drinking some beer!!

Salty dog retirees and fellow active duty warriors, damn glad to have you all here, mentoring the next generation and swapping tall tales.




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