Hey guys, I'm getting out of the Marine Corps here in September ( Honorably) and looking forward to going to college and most likely going into NROTC. I'm not worried about the scholarship I'm going to apply for advance standing and use my post 9/11 GI bill. This way ill have tuition covered and pull in the e-5 BAH and the monthly stipend from advance standing. Basically, I'm posting this thread to hear about your experiences being prior enlisted coming into an NROTC unit. How was it for you? What did you expect it to be like and how did your experience differ? Were you successful in pursuing the career path you wanted? What can I expect? I'm sure this is a common sight on the forums but I am pursuing the gold wings. I've wanted to be an aviator for a long time. Any aviators that read this, I would love to hear about your journey to getting your wings and how you like being an aviator as well!
I wont lie..I just kinda skimmed through this thread and really only read the OP (Kinda been busy unpacking stuff in my place and getting yelled at by the girlfriend) I did exactly what you did and recently commissioned this last may and currently in the aviation pipeline now so I really wanted to give you my two cents on the experience and hopefully answer your questions..
Well not going in as a MECEP or OC you will be a Middy for rank purposes. Honestly not that big of a deal as long as you don't have an ego problem (Which you shouldn't from the sounds of your post, you seem rather humbled). Honestly I kind of felt like the "Warrant Officer" of sorts... I had the best of both worlds. Some of the more timid middies felt me more approachable just because I was a MIDN, all the while I was able to relate to, and share experiences with the OC's and Marines. I very much enjoyed the experience from that perspective, and honestly depending on your unit you might have it a bit easier being that you are not on active duty during the summer/winter months(I.E. no musters and enjoy your time off as a "civilian")
What did you expect it to be like and how did your experience differ?
I did not really have any expectations to be honest with you as I was not sure what to exactly expect. I knew there would be the general military training but you also do alot more on the professional/management side of the house in terms of contrast from enlisted to officer. Your experience as a prior will help out with this, but you also learn a few things that differ from that side of the house to this one.
Were you successful in pursuing the career path you wanted?
I am commissioned and selected as an SNA so yeah I think so =) Best advice I can give here is Study your ass off.. make good grades, kick ass in PT, and don't be a dirtbag in the unit military-wise and you should be good for selection to what you want.
I don't know your personal background but I went to boot camp straight after high school.. So I never had a college experience until I got out to come home and start undergrad.. Definitely a humbling and new experience being a relatively broke college kid (sans BAH)... Understand obviously you will learn from other priors experiences in the unit from their time in the fleet.. But the advice/tips the Middies will give you for college in terms of studying, teacher selection, etc are PRICELESS! (This is esp true if you suck in math like me.. thank god for some friends who are calculus gurus)
I hope this answered your questions and I apologize for making this so long.. If you have any other questions feel free to post here or hit me up in a private message!